The Return Of Doctor Mysterio Pt. 2

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"Any questions after today can be handled by Miss Shuster or Miss Siegel, who can be contacted on the e-mail addresses provided in your welcome pack. That's all we have time for, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you had a stimulating day, and maybe saw a little of what makes Harmony Shoal the foremost innovator in science and technology the world over. Like we always say, we're here to open your minds."

"Mister Brock, just one more question. I've been looking into your funding, and you seem to have a lot of benefactors for a research institute."

"The world is changing, Miss Fletcher. Science got sexy."

"Yeah, but your benefactors? I can't seem to find any of them."

"Very simple reason for that. I killed them all, buried them in my backyard" everyone laughs.

"How big is your backyard, Mister Brock?"

"At the last count, Wyoming" there's more laughter.

"Now, if you good people will excuse me, this young lady will guide you to the exit" Brock gestures to the lady beside him.

"Mister Brock? Er, Mister Brock? Mister Brock? Mister Brock" Nardole says.

"Apparently we have one more question."

"Yes. Where is the little boys' room?"

"I think you'll find the restrooms to the left, on your way out."

"No, not the restrooms, the little boys' room."

"If you successfully locate the restrooms, I think you'll find everything you need in there. Thank you all."

"This way, ladies and gentlemen," the lady says.

"I don't want a rest. If everyone's just having a rest, I might cause an incident" Nardole says as Brock goes to a man dabbing at his nose and getting a blue stain on his handkerchief.

"Doctor Sim, is there a problem?"

"It's the brains. There's something I need to show you. It's necessary."

"Later. Meet me here at midnight."

"Thank you, sir."

*Time skip*

Midnight, Sim is sitting in front of one of a few rows of computer screens when a hand grasps his shoulder and makes him jump.

"Mister Brock. You startled me."

"Shall we?"

"Of course," Miss Fletcher is dressed as a cleaner and watches them walk through reception before following. Nardole is also watching and speaks into one of his duffel coat toggles.

"All clear." Brock and Sim walk up to a thick strongroom door which opens, and the lights come on to reveal an arrangement of three shelves, all containing brains in glass cases.

"Well?" Brock asks.

"Look at them. You see nothing unusual?" Sim replies.

"I see brains every place except here," Brock says pointing to Sim's head "these specimens were donated to this facility by our benefactors for a top-secret research project. A project which is not to be questioned, impeded, or in fact mentioned by any of the employees of the Harmony Shoal Institute. Even I don't have the clearance to know what's going on in here."

"But why?"

"It's not your job to ask questions. Stick to science, Sim's eye flickers sideways "something wrong with your eyes?"

"Sir, the first time I came in here, I counted twenty-four specimens. The second time I counted, there were thirty. Now there are thirty-six."

"Well, I guess they've got the space."

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