Dark Water Pt. 4

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Seb opens the doors and lets Danny go first into the night air with emergency vehicle sirens wailing in the distance.

"Bit of fresh air. Do you good" Seb says.

"Why's it so cold here?"

"And the Wi-Fi is better out here. Don't know why."


"Yeah, still a bit spotty, but basically..."

"You have Wi-Fi here?" Seb is calling something up on his tablet computer "you. You have iPads in the afterlife?"

"iPads? We have Steve Jobs. Listen, another big question for you. Have you ever killed anybody?"

"This is surreal."

"Imagine embryos had telephones."

"That's really not helping."

"Go with me. Go with me. Imagine babies in wombs could talk to other babies in other wombs. What would they say? What would they think life was like if they could talk among themselves?"

"I really have no idea."

"They'd think that life was nine months long. Then, boom, trap door opens, out you fall, gone forever. Never hear from those guys again. Nothing at the end of the cord."


"This isn't really an afterlife. It's just more life than you were expecting."

"Why did you ask me if I'd killed anyone?"

"Before you were a teacher, you spent some time as a soldier."

"Yeah, so?"

"Any regrets? Bad memories?"

"Is that, is that any of your business?"

"Yes" taking Danny's silence as he said something wrong Seb starts speaking again "sorry if I triggered something then. Memory flashes can be very impactful in the early stages."


"Why what?"

"Why is it any of your business?"

"We've had a request to meet you. Any idea who that would be from? It's been given a priority, which usually means..."

"Means what?"

"Well, anyway, we've arranged a meet-up."


"Come in" Danny sees a person from his memories. A young boy in a football shirt is peering around the door "so, I guess you remember him, yeah?"


"Come in, come in. Going to need to take a reading off you" Chang says, there is one of those big tanks in here, too. The Doctor and {Y/N} go to take a look around.

"A reading?" Clara asks.

"Won't hurt" Chang says as he flicks a switch.

"What won't?"

"How does the body keep its integrity? Why isn't it just a bunch of bones floating about?" the Doctor asks.

"Each body is encased in a support exoskeleton."

"An invisible exoskeleton?" Clara asks.

"It's only invisible in the water. There's a specially engineered refraction index in the fluid so we can see the tank resident unimpeded by the support mechanisms.

"So, each skeleton is inside something?" {Y/N} asks.

"Are you serious? X-ray water?" Clara asks.

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