Cold War Pt. 2

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"The Ice Warriors have a different creed, Clara. A different code. By his own standards, Skaldak is a hero. It was said his enemies honoured him so much, they'd carve his name into their own flesh before they died" the Doctor says.

"Oh, yeah. Very nice. He sounds lovely" Clara says.

"An Ice Warrior? Explain" the Captain says.

"There isn't time," the Doctor says.

"Try me."

"Martian reptile known as the Ice Warrior. When Mars turned cold they had to adapt. They're bio-mechanoid. Cyborgs. Built themselves survival armour so they could exist in the freezing cold of their homeworld, but a sudden increase in temperature and the armour goes haywire" {Y/N} says.

"Like with the cattle prod thing," Clara says.

"Like with the cattle prod thing. Bit of a design flaw. To be honest, I've always wondered why they never sorted it. Oh look, you've got me telling you about them and the Doctor said there wasn't time" {Y/N} says.

"Is he that dangerous?" Clara asks.

"This one is," the Doctor says.

"Why are we listening to this nonsense, Captain? These people are clearly enemy agents."

"Huh?" Clara asks"

"Spies, Captain."

"Pretty bad spies, mate. I don't even speak Russian" Clara says.


"I don't," Clara says she looks to {Y/N} and the Doctor and starts whispering "am I speaking Russian? How come I'm speaking Russian?"

"Now? We have to do this now?" the Doctor whispers back.

"Are they speaking Russian?" Clara asks.

"Seriously? Now?" the Doctor asks.

"It's the TARDIS translation matrix" {Y/N} replies.

"In my opinion, Comrade Captain, this creature is a Western weapon."

"Are they?" Clara asks.

"Yes, they're Russians" {Y/N} says.

"A weapon?" the Captain asks.

"Survival Suit. What is the alternative? The little green man from Mars?"

"Correction. It's a big green man from Mars" the Professor says.

"I don't appreciate your levity, Professor."

"Why does that not surprise me? Maybe they're telling the truth" the Professor says.

"The truth?"

"Yes, a revolutionary concept, I know."

"It's essential that we inform Moscow of what we have found."

"The radio's out of action, in case you hadn't noticed, Stepashin," the Captain says.

"They have our last position. They will find us. When they do..." Stepashin trails off.


"Well, the Cold War won't stay cold forever, Captain."

"For God's sake, Stepashin, you're like a stuck record. We have other priorities right now. I want you back on repairs immediately. We need to keep this ship alive. Dismissed."


"Dismissed, Stepashin" Stepashin leaves.

"All we needed to do was let Skaldak go and he'd have forgotten us. But you attacked him. You declared war. Harm one of us and you harm us all. That's the ancient Martian code" the Doctor says, there's beeping from the professor's headphones "you hear that? Skaldak has sent out a distress call. He will bring down the fires of hell just for laying a glove on him."

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