Death In Heaven Pt. 5

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"Two more to go. Does it feel any different?" Clara asks.

"No" Danny replies, the TARDIS materialises nearby.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" the TARDIS door opens and shuts.

"Clara, don't" {Y/N} says, the other Cybermen are standing around, watching.

"Help me" Clara says looking up at her.

"If you do what you're trying to do, if you succeed, he will snap you."


"Then he will step over your broken body and break another and another and another. He will never stop."

"I will not harm her."

"P E. P E. P E" the Doctor says.


"We had a friend once. We ran together when we were little. And we thought we were the same. But when we grew up, we weren't. Now, she's trying to tear the world apart, and we can't run fast enough to hold it together. The difference is this" the Doctor puts his hand over Danny's chest disc "pain is a gift. Without the capacity for pain, we can't feel the hurt we inflict."

"Are you telling me seriously, for real, that you can?"

"Of course, I can."

"Then shame on you, Doctor."

"Yes. Oh, yes" the dark clouds rumble overhead.

"Danny, Danny, I need you to tell me. What are the clouds going to do? What is the plan?" {Y/N} asks.

"How would I know?"

"You're part of a hive mind now. Presumably that's how you found Clara. Just look."

"I can't see much."

"Look harder."

"Clara, watch this. This is who {Y/N} and the Doctor are. Watch the blood-soaked old generals in action. I can't see properly, ma'am, because this needs activating. If you want to know what's coming, you have to switch it on. And didn't all of those beautiful speeches just disappear in the face of a tactical advantage? Ma'am" {Y/N} sighs.

"I need to know. I need to know" {Y/N} mutters.

"Yes. Yes, you do."

"Give me one of the screwdrivers," Clara says.

"No" the Doctor replies.

"Just do it. Do as you are told" the Doctor meets Cyber-Danny's gaze then gives Clara his sonic screwdriver.

"Typical officer. Got to keep those hands clean" the Doctor walks away, {Y/N} stays.

"Just point and think, yeah?" Clara asks.

"Yes" {Y/N} says before reluctantly following the Doctor.

"Ok. I wasn't very good at it, but I did love you" Clara says looking at Danny.

"I love you too."

"I'm never going to say that again."

"Me neither."


"Yeah" Clara starts crying.

"I feel like I'm killing you."

"I'm already dead. You're here this time at least."

"Goodbye, Danny."

"Goodbye, Clara" she activates the screwdriver. Danny's face goes blank and he straightens up. Clara turns off the screwdriver and goes to hug him.

"Clara, no! Step away! He's activating! Clara, step away now! Don't. Danny. Danny, if you can hear me, if you're still there, what are the clouds going to do?" {Y/N} asks.

"The rain will fall again. All humanity will die."

"And rise again as Cybermen."


"How do we stop it?"

"We cannot be stopped" Missy beams herself in as Mary Poppins, floating gently to the ground under her umbrella.

"Oh, that was brilliant! Oh, I love the telly here, but did you see that? Oh, Clara, you poor thing. You must feel like death. Let me pop away the pain" {Y/N} pushes Clara behind her as Missy starts to tap at her phone. The Doctor grabs it and throws it away.

"Don't you dare! Don't you think about it!" he says.

"Oh, sorry, hon, I'm just getting a bit carried away. It's your friends, they're so more-ish. Hmm?" Clara picks up Missy's phone "oh, stop looking all cross-pants you two. I'm here to give you a gift. Could you at least try and be excited?"

"What gift?" {Y/N} asks, Missy speaks into her bracelet.

"Cyberdears!" the Cybermen come to attention and play her game of Simon Says.

"Look at Mummy! Raise your arms. Lower your arms. Raise your right. Lower your right. Turn on the spot. There are exits at the front and rear of the aircraft. Please follow the lights up the aisle. You see, Doctor and {Y/N}? The power to slaughter whole worlds at a time, then make them do a safety briefing. Everyone who ever lived, man, woman and child, is now at my command. An indestructible army to rage across the universe. The more they kill, the more they recruit. Happy birthday. Oh! You didn't know, did you? It's lucky one of us remembers these things. Happy birthday, Mister President" she puts her control bracelet on the Doctor's wrist then backs away and curtsy's.

"Doctor" the Cybermen bow their heads to him.

"Tiny bit pleased? Oh, go on, crack a smile. I want to see if your eyebrows drop off" Missy says, {Y/N} looks around her eyebrows furrowed.

"All of this. All of it, just to give him an army?" {Y/N} asks.

"Well, I don't need one, do I? Armies are for people who think they're right. And nobody thinks they're righter than you two. Give a good man firepower, and he'll never run out of people to kill" Missy says.

"I don't want an army!" the Doctor says.

"Well, that's the trouble! Yes, you do! You've always wanted one! All those people suffering in the Dalek camps? Now you can save them. All those bad guys winning all the wars? Go and get the good guys back" Missy replies.

"Nobody can have that power" {Y/N} says.

"You will, because you don't have a choice. There's only one way you can stop these clouds from opening up and killing all your little pets down here. Conquer the universe, Mister President. Show a bad girl how it's done" Missy drops a deep curtsy. The Doctor rips the bracelet off.

"Why are you doing this?" {Y/N} asks.

"I need you to know we're not so different. I need my friends back. Every battle, every war, every invasion. From now on, you decide the outcome. What's the matter, Mister President? Don't you trust yourself?"

"Tell me. Am I a good man?"


"I see into your soul, Doctor. I see hatred."

"I'm not a hero."

"You are a good Dalek."

"Thank you. Thank you so much" the Doctor kisses Missy on the cheek gently "I really didn't know. I wasn't sure. You lose sight sometimes. Thank you! I am not a good man! I am not a bad man. I am not a hero. And I'm definitely not a president. And no, I'm not an officer. Do you know what I am? I am an idiot, with a box, a screwdriver and a wife. We're Just passing through, helping out, learning. We don't need an army. We never have, because we've got them. Always them. Because love, it's not an emotion. Love is a promise" Cyber-Danny puts his arm around Clara "and he will never hurt her. P.E, catch!" the control bracelet lands in Cyber-Danny's hand.

"You didn't notice, did you? While you were doing all your silly orders, while you were showing off, the one soldier not obeying" {Y/N} says.

"No, that's wrong. That's impossible" Missy says.


~Bread 🍞

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