Brothers mate...

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  • Dedicated to to someone special

~~~~For the next chapters’ they are going to be about some new characters who will have a place in the future parts so it’s better to introduce them now so you guys get a better view of who they are before it begins~~~

 Aiden’s P.O.V

Staying inside my house all day and night was depressing, even going out there in the world was depressing, seeing all those mated couple made me want to kill myself

I want to find my mate, I want her near me, I want to hold her, kiss her, and just be there with her,

It’s been 7 years that I have been searching for my mate and every time I think I get close to her she disappear, there was always this pull whenever she was around and it frustrate me to no end, I mean cant she feel the pull too?

I sighed and threw my book at the corner of my room; I was not really reading I was just trying to occupy my mind from thinking about my mate

I looked outside and it was dark the only light that was shinning was the moon and the stars, I looked at the time and saw that it was already 11pm

I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately cause every time I close my eyes I think of her, and how she looks like, it’s beginning to be a nightmare knowing that she's out there but I can’t hold her or talk to her was just getting on my nerves, I sighed frustrated and pulled my hair

"I need to get out" I said to myself then I got off my bed put on a shirt and walked out of my room, I slowly close the door and turned around to see kira, Amy, and their new friend the rogue,

I am beginning to suspect that the rogue might be her mate cause of the way she is so protective of him, I do not know, but I know that is how I would be with my mate, if ever I find her

"Hey guys" I greeted them

"Hey Aiden, were you off too?" asked kira

"Just need to take a walk" she nods

"Well we're going to go crash been a long day” she said looking tired

"Before we go our separate way can I talk to you real quick...alone" Amy smiled and grabbed the rogues hand and took him to kiras room, kira smiled at the rogue

"Its ok" then she turned to me

"What’s up?" she asked 

"Have you found your mate?" I asked curiously, for a split second I saw pain in her eyes and as fast as it came, it left

"I don’t want to talk about it" she said I nod

"Well whenever you want to talk you know where to find me," I said and she smiled

"Thanks Aiden" then she hugged me

"Same to you" then she pulled away looking at me with admiration

"You’ll find her, I know you will!" she said with a smile I smiled too

"Thanks sis" she nods and walked in her room, I saw her get in her room before I replied

"I hope I find her" then I took a deep breath and went downstairs as I walked pass the kitchen I heard my parents talking

"She seemed different after the hospital, I mean she never used to fight and now she took on 3 rogues?" said my mother in amazement and confusion

"Well maybe what happened to her was a change of some sort," said my father I was now curious as to whom they were walking about so I walked in

"Hey" they both looked at me

"Hi son" said my father

"Want something to eat?" asked my mother

"Nah I’m fine, I was just wondering who you were talking about?" I asked and they looked at me as if I grew another head

"You didn’t hear?" asked my mother

"About?" my mother looked at my father her face was a mix of confusion and pity

"Your sister fought off 3 rogues today with the help of Amy but she kill 2 and saved one" explained my father

"I only heard about the rogue she saved but not the killing," I said impressed

"Something happened to her, and we don’t know what," said my mother looking distraught

"I’m sure she's fine, if she wants to talk about it then she would talk but for now just let her be" I said then grabbed an apple off the fruit basket and walked out

They always baby her that is why she's always scared, I am proud of what she did today she need to stand her ground and take on life's challenges instead of hiding from them I smiled at my sisters bravery

I grabbed my keys from the key hanger and walked out to my car, I loved my car it was a blue Jaguar XKR S

It was a gift from my boss after I completed the training, he was so happy that I was the first employee to go to training and graduate that he bought I this car and I love it!

I got in and put my key in the ignition and turned it on, hearing the machine roar made me a little happy

I then put it in reverse and sped out of the driveway and change shift to drive then I sped out of there

 I don’t know where I was going so I went with whatever road was empty, I been driving for about 20 min now when I felt the pull again

I stepped on the breaks so fast that the car spun a little then stopped

I concentrate on the pull to see where it was leading me, it was leading me towards the forest, I drove to the edge of the forest and parked my car then I got out locked my car and went behind a tree and took off my clothes putting them under the tree and I shifted

When I shifted I felt the pull stronger now and I followed it, it took me at least an hour before the pull got stronger I followed it till I reached a beautiful place

There was a small lake in the middle and allot of carnation flowers around it and there was a huge willow tree to the right, with a small bench underneath it

On the bench sat a beautiful woman, looking up in the sky singing a beautiful melody, mesmerizing me with her voice, smell, and her figure

She had on a Wight dress that flowed with the wind her voice was angelic and her smell was wonderful

She had long red hair, luscious red lips, pale skin, I was so mesmerized by her beauty, I could hear my wolf repeating one word

'Mate' I smiled, finally

I sat there listening to her beautiful angelic voice sing a beautiful song, wondering if she can feel my presence, then she smiled and said

"You can come out now my mate" my heart stopped.

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