Hard Place

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|Issaiah Love|

"What's on the itinerary for today?"

"Canoeing and then I think we'll be having a fish fry."

"Sounds like fun."I stretch and yawn trying to wake myself up. Unfortunately I didn't get any sleep since I spent the whole night thinking about Foreign. He didn't call and there were no new updates about his case. All I want is for my baby to be ok.

Once I wake up enough, I get out of bed and join some of the other girls in the bathroom to brush my teeth. We were all making small talk to pass the time. When I get done, I go back to my bunk to chose what I want to wear for today. Since we were going to be going in the water, I decide on a black two piece swimsuit and some shorts. My leg was sore from the fall I had the other day right along with my arm so I make sure to throw on some leggings.

As much as I didn't want to be bothered by Desmond, he was nice enough to help me get back to the cabin. I was still going to keep him at a distance though. The last thing that I need is another guy trying to cause drama in my life. Merci was filled in on what happened. Of course she's given me the warning and wants me to stay my distance as well. He may be her family but she wants what's best for me.

"You talk to Foreign yet?"

"No, and Lyn hasn't said anything to me either."

"What about Ms.Von?"

"Not a word and and I don't want her to. She turned her back on Foreign when he needed her the most."

"Has your dad said anything?"The man could not give two fucks about Foreign.

"He couldn't even come to me to tell me that he didn't want Von on this case. I don't want anything to do with them. Not until they apologize."

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this boo."

"It's whatever, he has a great attorney so I'm just going to focus on that."

"At least things look good for him."

"Thank God."

"Don't even worry about the negative energy, focus all that attention on this activity that we're going to be doing."

"I'm so excited for it."

"I'm just trying not to get my hair wet."

"Right, this twist out is looking too good to ruin it."

"What'd you put on it?"I fluff my hair out thinking about it.

"OGX biotin and collagen conditioner and some coconut oil."

"It smells really good."

"It does and I need to get some more when I get back."

"Grab me a bottle too."

"I got you."

"Alright ladies, the canoes are ready and the men are waiting."Merci's aunt Sheryl announces coming into the cabin. It was finally time to get in the water and have fun.

Everyone finishes getting dressed and head to the water. We chose our partners and get in the water. Of course, Merci and I are together.

"I forgot to tell you, I started looking for apartments."

"What, why?"

"Because I need to be on my own. I need some space from everybody."

"You know you could come live with me."

"Hell no, Omega offered me the same thing and I declined."

"Damn, hurt my feeling why don't you."

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