The Basement

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Jake groaned grabbing cleaning supplies and the journals before heading into the house basement. The basement was dusty, huge, and filled with old dusty junk.”great this will take all day” Jake thought to himself as he began the move the old dusty furniture around. After several hours of rigorous work he stopped to take a break, looking around he saw he had done most of the basement faster than he had thought with only the darkest corner in the basement. He sat down in an old chair he found and pulled out the journal he decoded the day before. He began to read it.

“from the personal journal of Nikola Tesla in the year 1915-I am just a month or two away from powering the world wirelessly. I do not trust my workers they seem to be working against me, delaying the construction and buying expensive materials. I am in debt more than imaginable but when Wardenclyffe is finished I will be able to pay back all of my debts. I have received many requests from a group known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation to let them foresee construction and monitor the use and purpose of the tower I have denied their requests repeatedly, but they refuse to budge I fear the will interfere.”

“Jake you better be cleaning!” His mom yelled down.He groaned and put the journal down continuing to clean the basement. He cleaned the back corner in the darkest part of the basement where the light didn’t reach. Jake pulled out his phone to turn his flashlight on and saw a familiar sight, his phone was charging without being anywhere near a power source. He shined his flashlight around finding a tall metal door. he pushed the door open with a loud thud, suddenly lights flickered on above revealing a large room filled with computers and machines covered in sheets along with a glowing tube of what looked like lightning. The walls and ceiling were a pure white, he walked in feeling the walls walking to the front where three huge monitors were hung from the wall. He reached down and pulled a sheet off of the main computers, and the monitors sprung to life around him.

The Tesla projectحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن