Bell Test (Part 2)

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"Hey guys!" Said Kakashi,"You guys ready for the test?"

"YOU'RE LATE!!!" Naruto and Sakura shouted.

However, Kakashi waved them both off,"I'll tell you what you must do to pass this test...It is a very simple task, really. All you have to do is take these three bells," He pulled the bells out from his pocket,"away from me. Simple enough, right?"

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura all nodded, however, I took it apon myself to yell out,"No!!"

This made everyone look at me. "We're gonna fail~!" I sung.

"Wha-?! H-How would you know?! Why should we just decide to blindly trust YOU?! HUH?!" Sakura yelled at me.

"Well, Sakuhoe, I know lots of things. Things that you will never know in your whole life time." I said darkly. Then, I cheerfully state,"Like plot-holes!"

Of course, Sakura didn't understand. Everyone else there did.

No, really, I told Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi already.

Poor Sakura...

HA! Just kidding!

Lil' bitch.

"Alright...We should start now. Ready...Set...-" There was a pause now.

And, just like in the canon, Naruto attacked Kakashi already.

"I didn't say start." Kakashi said, after pinning Naruto down.

"Enemy's don't say start!" I yelled over at them, Kakashi ignoring me.

"However, you came at me with the intent to kill do I say this..? I think I'm actually starting to like you guys!" Kakashi beamed.

I rolled my eyes,"Whatever ya say Mr. Scarecrow (1).

Kakashi glared

"Anyway...START!" Kakashi yelled.

I forcefully grabbed Naruto and pulled him to a far away tree, knowing he would do something stupid.

Like go out with no preperation.

"Hey! What was that fo-?!" Naruto was yelling but I clamped my hand over his mouth.

"Shhhhh! You'll give away our spot!' I whisper-yelled at him.

(Forgot how to spell chakra please correct me if I'm wrong)

"Who cares?! Let me go fight that bastar-!" I clamped my hand back over his mouth.

"Listen! I know the meaning of this test is teamwork! We have to work together if we want to pass, or we can't become genin!!"

Naruto looked at me considering the possibilities. He knew about where I truely come from, and that I know everything that will happen.

He gave a little pout, but in the end mumbled a,"Fine..." under his breath.

I smiled,"Good. Now, let's get Sakura and Sasuke. We'll need to get Sasuke first, if we want Sakura. She will refuse to be on a team he's not on."

Naruto gave me his signature grin,"Then to Sasuke we go."

I smiled at him, before grabbing his arm and dragging him to the place I knew Sasuke was hiding now.

Once we were all on the same tree branch, Sasuke seemed to not notice us.

I smirked.

I got close to his back, but was sure not to make contact.

I cupped my hand by his ear.

Trapped in NarutoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora