"Yeah," She says, "maybe it will work." I nod. As we get to the woods I park my car grabbing my flashlight to be able to walk through the woods. Ever since the stupid Gargoyle King scared the shit out of me out here I don't like walking out here at night. But for some reason Jug enjoyed coming out here at night. Betty places her hand on my shoulder comfortingly as she senses my nerves. "I promise nothing will hurt you." I nod at her. She smiles at me and I smile back brightly. I take a deep breath and start towards the path.

"I hate this," I whisper.

"Hey remember the time you made Jug laugh so hard a milkshake squirt out of his nose?" She asks me. I smile at the memory laughing slightly.

"Yeah," I say, "it was over my mental breakdown where I cut my hair at Pops with safety scissors."

"Yeah you cut in bangs," She laughs slightly as I smirk loudly. My fear melting away thinking back to that bad hair cut.

"God my mom was pissed," I laugh, "thankfully they didn't look awful. Even better is that Lily could fix it."

"You literally sat there in front of us at Pops and just started chopping away," She shorts and I laugh along.

"I know!" I exclaim, "I was such a messy ten year old."

"Well," she chuckles, "I didn't say that you did."

"Whatever," I say as we reach the bunker. I smile at her, "thanks for that."

"Anytime," She smiles as I peel the top to the bunker off. I climb down first.

"Jug?" I call out as I get down to the bottom. He looks over at me and smiles.

"Y/n," He says walking towards me. Stopping as I walk to him to allow Betty to climb down. Betty. Once I reach him he kisses my forehead.

"What are you doing?" I ask him looking around at the room. Betty reaches me and gives me a puzzling look. Candles were everywhere.

"Getting ready for a party?" Betty asks him.

"Yeah, we're about to start a new quest," he says to us. His hand rests on my lower back. "Do you want to join? Either of you. Or both of you! It would be so fun."

"Even if we wanted to, I can't," Betty says and he looks to me questioningly.

"It's a long story okay," I say to him, "but We are helping Veronica break Archie out of juvie - and I was hoping you would come with us. It'll be like old times."

"Wait," He says sternly. But I can't tell what he's thinking. "What? You're breaking Archie out of juvie?"

"I know I know it sounds insane," I start but he stops me smiling slightly.

"No," He says caressing my cheek, "it Sounds perfect

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"No," He says caressing my cheek, "it Sounds perfect."

"What? What do you mean?" Betty asks him and I nod.

Paranoia // Third Book To The Lucky SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now