Sunset to Ghostly Glow

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The pink tinted sky gives way to purple. The wispy clouds strung across the changing hues are replaced by cluttered puffs of grey and silver. The scent of rain rolls in, as droplets speckle the ground. The crowd's rhythm ceases. The tears from the heavens create rings of vibrations in the waters throughout the city. They dance on light posts and railings, and tap on windows and doors. The eurythmic panging and pinging echoes throughout the hushed city. People of adversity sway down the halls of their latibules, singing a soft melody that flows with the music of the numinous storm. As lights begin to flicker off, the city dulls and dozes. The sky morphs again as specks of glistening light push through the abyss and materialize before star gazers' eyes. The deep blue of the sky mirrors the ocean, and the waves waltz amoung the stars. The moon glows and seems to smile at the sleeping city below.

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