dalton castle (requested)

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back from hiatus :)

requested by WolfGaming666



that's how you and dalton started out.

you had been introduced to each other through marty scurll while you were in ring of honor and hit it off right off the bat. you both thrived off of each other's humor and before you knew it, you had easily fallen into a great friendship.


your relationship soon escalated into being roommates. it just so happened that as you were moving out of the apartment you had in Orlando and Dalton had mentioned he was looking for a roommate. within a month of him mentioning that he was looking for someone to room with, you two were living in a cozy little two bedroom house around the suburbs of Chicago.

despite being on your own for about 10 years now, you had never roomed with a guy before. you were secretly a little nervous that he might be gross/weird/etc, but he wasnt even close to what you imagined.

he never made you uncomfortable, not once. he was actually a doll to live with. he cooked dinner whenever he was home, let you wear his super comfy sweatshirts, when he'd go out to buy cat food for his two fur babies, he would always bring sully (your pit bull terrier) a new toy (to inevitably destroy).

he was the definition of a gentleman.

one evening you were both sitting on the couch, his head resting in your lap as he'd just gotten off of a red eye from LA to Chicago and was exhausted.

you were stroking through his freshly washed hair as he babbled on about something that had you giggling.

oh, have we forgot to mention you're in love with him.

you hadn't realized you had fallen for him until about 3 weeks ago.

you had been working like a dog with roh (you are a social media marketer).

you were exhausted, tired, and mentally drained when you made your way into the front door of the house.

locking the door behind you, you kick your shoes off and plop face down on the couch, tears already brewing.

"Hey, sweetheart." you hear daltons sweet voice ring out in the living room.

leaving your face smushed by the couch you respond with a faint, "hi."

"oh, baby girl, what's wrong?" he ask, making his way to sit beside you on the couch.

"just a hard, never ending day at work, per usual." you said, tears threatening to fall as you stayed facing away from dalton.

"oh, i'm sorry." he said, hand gently stroking your back.

that's when you lost it, sobs wracking through your body.

"honey." he said, pulling you up from the couch and into his embrace.

you clutched onto his shirt tightly as he rubbed your back soothingly.

"c'mon, sweetie." he said, picking you up with your arms around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist as he carried you to your in-suite bathroom.

he sat you down on your counter and turned on a hot bath for you, throwing in your favorite eucalyptus bubble bath.

he casually stepped back over towards you, gently collecting all of your hair and putting it up into a messy bun.

that's when you knew.

you knew you were in love with this man and his gigantic heart.

flash forward back to the present and you were still carding your fingers gently through his hair.

it began to get quiet in the house, only the faint sounds of the tv playing some movie you weren't watching rang through the house.

"I think im in love with you." you mumbled, not even realizing you had said it.

you felt his body stiffen up immediately, sitting up looking you dead in the eye.

"what'd you say?" he said, eyes darting all over your face to see if you were serious.

"I think I'm in love with you." you said, finally getting the guts to say what you had been feeling for a few weeks now.

"oh really now." he said smirking, taking your face in his hand.

"yea." you said smiling as brightly as he was at you.

"well I guess it's a good thing I love you, too." he said, connecting your lips.

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