dean ambrose

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Prompt #19: "I think you're just scared to be happy."


"Jon! Don't you walk away from me!" You yelled as he made his way to your door.

You had invited him over, which had sadly led to another fight over him and his current situation.

He was going out with some girl, you couldn't even remember her name to be honest.

He knew she was cheating on him, but he stayed with her.

"(Y/N), I don't know what you want me to say." He said back, obviously frustrated as he plopped back down onto my couch.

"I want you to say you deserve better than that; someone blantantly cheating on you. You must know you do." You said, voice hoarse from trying to get it into his thick skull that he deserved better than someone who would just cheat and use him.

"(Y/N), quite frankly, I don't think I do." He said, eyes glued to my floor.

This was a side of Jon most people didn't see; the sweet side.

Most of the time, Jon wasn't even playing the "Dean" character, that's just how he actually is.

Crazy, but a good crazy.

"Jon, why don't you think you deserve better than someone who cheats on you? You're so amazing, why can't you see that?" You said, taking his head into your hands.

His eyes were still glued to the floor when he placed his much bigger, calloused hands on yours, taking them off of his face and into his hands.

"I don't know, (Y/N)." He said, looking at my hands intertwined in his.

"You want to hear my opinion?" You ask, leaning closer to your bestfriend, who undoubtedly you had a crush on.

"Sure." He said, finally looking you in the eyes.

"I think you're just scared to be happy. If you meet someone who loves you and cherishes you, it won't be, I don't know, difficult for you. I think you like difficult." You say, looking him dead in the eye.

"But, what if I want to be happy, i-i just don't know what that is. I'm always happy with you, but, I don't know if you even like me like that." He said, eyes now shifting to your back to your hands which were still in his.

"Jon," you said, tilting his head up to meet your eyes,"I love you and want you to be happy. I'd love to be yours and see if I could help you can get over this fear. The real question is, will you let me?"

"Yes. I-I wanna know what it's like to be happy, please, (Y/N)." He said, eyes still glued to yours.

You glanced down at his lips and before you knew it, you were on his lap, lips moving in sync.

Jon knew it was going to be a long road; he had baggage for the long haul. But, he had you, and that was all he needed to be happy.

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