adam page

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Prompt #29: "You look like you need a hug."

Also, I know "Adam's" real name is Stevie but I can't physically make myself wrtie Stevie without cracking up. sorry if you wanted a "realistic" imagine. 😂


1! 2! 3!

That's how quick you had lost your title.

3 seconds.

Sure, wrestling is scripted, you knew it was coming, but nothing had ever felt more like your heart being ripped out of your chest more than Tenille pinning you and winning your title.

She whispered in your ear as she covered you, thanking you, but the pain stung worse than anything you'd ever felt.

You prided yourself on being a defending champion, and the writers had written it now to bite you in the butt.

You lay in the ring, waiting on Tenille to head to the back.

You sat up when you hear her get out of the ring.

Making your way to the corner, you just sit down, dumbfounded to not have your title in your hands for the first time in six months.

Shaking your head, you decide to start making my way to the back.

All of the fans that you passed told you things like "you were the best champ" and "you deserve it more than her" which induced more sadness into your heart.

You'd let your fan-base down.

As you got closer to the curtain, you turned around, tears stinging your eyes.

"I'm sorry." You say to the crowd, before ducking behind the curtain, just ready to sleep this horrible night away.

While high-tailing to your locker room you run into a solid chest.

You stumble back, almost losing your balance, but the person you ran into put their arms around your waist so you wouldn't fall.

"Woah, hey (Y/N)- wait, have you been crying." You heard the one person who could've made this night better yet worse.

Adam Page.

Sure, he was devistatingly handsome and such a sweetheart, but you couldn't stand to be around him for longer than a few minutes. You would start blushing and stammering around sentences like an idiot due to the fact that he made you nervous like no one else had before.

"Y-Yea. Did you not just see me lose my title out there?" You ask, sassily, not meaning for it to come out so harsh.

"Hey, no need to be rude. C'mon, come sit with me." He said, motioning towards one of the many Bullet Club locker-rooms right beside you two.

You just nodded, knowing that you didn't need to be alone right now.

"Now can you tell me why you are crying?" He ask, shutting the door behind the two of you.

You made your way over to a spot in front of the lockers and sat down, burying your head into your hands.

"Oh, sweetheart." He said, making his way over to you.

"I-I'm sorry, it just, I feel like I let everyone down. I mean, I know I couldn't change the outcome, but it hurts more than I thought it would." You said, hands now wiping away tears as you tried to make eye contact.

"You look like you need a hug." He said, pulling you into his chest.

You just laugh for the first time since losing at his almost childish antics.

You hug him back, burying your face into his shoulder.

"I-I just hate feeling like I let them down." You said, tears still flowing but not as heavy as earlier.

"Listen to me,"Adam said, pulling you from his chest,"you could never disappoint them. You had a classic match out there! You gave it your all and you can't change the outcome of matches, no matter how much it hurts. They love you, hell, I love you, babygirl." He said, hands covering his mouth at what he just blurted out.

"Y-You love me?" You ask, cheeks turning almost as red as his were.

"Umm, to be completely honest with you, yeah. I've been crushing on you since you came to ROH about a year ago." He said, averting eye contact.

"Awe, Adam," You said, taking his face into your hands,"I like you, too."

"R-Really?" He says, smiling.

"Really." You say, placing a peck on his lips.

Sure, you may have lost your title, but you gained something worth more than a title that night. You got Adam.

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