Hit And Run (Patrick's POV)

Start from the beginning

Pete and I helped Jack and Em clean everything up afterwards, then we all sat back in the living room, randomly talking about whatever. 

"Hey, since there are no kids in the room right now, can I show you guys something?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked.

"Hold on," Emily got up and ran up the stairs, disappearing from our view. She soon rushed back down the stairs with something in her hand, then sat back on the couch. "Okay, just look at this," she handed Pete and I what was in her hand.

"Dear Emily,

Look, I cannot express to you how deeply sorry I am for what happened all those years ago after the concert. I was stupid, idiotic, and childish. I only wanted what I couldn't have, but now, I realize I was wrong. So, in the hopes of regaining your trust, I would love for you and your family to join me at my house this weekend for dinner. I'd really love to patch things up and apologize in person for what I did. I'm not asking for your forgiveness through this letter here, I'm just asking for you to give me a chance. I may not deserve it, but I hope you'll see it in your heart to show up this weekend.

2746 Chicago Ave

Please think about it. Hope to see you all shortly!

~R," I read, then my mouth hung wide open.

"Y-You too?" Pete asked.

"What?" Jack asked.

"Here, look at this," Pete said, reaching into his pocket and grabbing the letter we so unnervingly got earlier. 

Emily took it in her hands, opened it, then started reading it. After she had read it, she had a nervous look on her face, as did I still. Jack looked confused, so Emily had to explain to him who "~R" was. About halfway through her explaination, Jack remembered what had happened all those years ago after Em had told him for the first time.

The four of us just sat there in silence for a while. We were all too afraid to speak. We didn't know what to say, what we should say.

"I-I thought he was dead," Emily broke the silence.

"That's what we thought too," I swallowed once more. 

"Do you think it's really him? I mean, maybe it's someone else posing as him?" Emily suggested.

"As much as I'd love to believe that, hun, I think it's really him," Pete said.

"What are we going to do?" she asked.

"I-I don't know," I said, scratching my head.

"We can't just say yes and go to his place," she said. "I hate that man."

"I do too, but-"

"But nothing, dad," Emily said. "That man ruined our lives."

"Em, just I-I," Pete paused, sighing. "I don't know."

"Me either," I said, then my phone rang from my pocket seconds after that. I reached into my pocket as I got up and walked down the hall. "Hello?"

"Patrick," Brendon's voice echoed on the other end of the line.

"Hey man, what's up?" I said.

"P-Patrick, look, Dallon and I got something in the mail this morning," Brendon started saying, making me swallow again as I stopped walking down the hallway. 

"Y-You guys too?" I cut him off.

"Wait, what?" he asked.

"Bden, Jack and Emily got a letter yesterday and Pete and I just got one this morning," I said. "He's got to be back."

"But I killed him!" Dallon's voice came through my phone.

"I don't have any other explanation as to who it could be!" I said. "It's got to be him!"

"W-What are we supposed to do?" Brendon's voice came back.

"Look, Pete, Em, and Jack and I will be at your place at eight, okay? We'll bring the kids back to our place and Jaimee and Nick can look after them. We need to talk this out and get our heads on straight. Just hold out 'til then, okay?" I said.

"Alright, see you guys then," Brendon said, then he hung up.

I sighed, putting my phone back in my pocket. I literally could not wrap my head around all of this. I thought that man was dead for sure. Dallon got him good. There's no way he could still be alive. I sighed once, leaning against the wall, then I composed myself and walked back into the living room.

"Who was that?" Pete asked.

"Brendon," I said.

"What'd he want?" he asked.

"He and Dallon got the same letter," I swallowed.

wow so shitty so sorry please don't hate me okay

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