Strelitzia had to bite her tongue to keep herself from starting yet another argument with her mother right there in front of Marnnetta. Of course her mother was thinking of what that man would want instead of her own daughter, she thought in annoyance.

"I'm not sure I could tolerate yet another year stuck inside." She could see the warning in her mother's narrowed gaze. This wasn't a talk to have here and now. Her mother left them for a moment to go purchase the dress. While Charlotte was busy, Strel pressed her shoulder to her friend's; the contact was a comfort. "You will still come to visit once you're married, right?"

Marnetta frowned but nodded. "Yes, I'll come visit. Probably only a few months at a time since he lives in Eli'ak." She said, turning towards Strelitzia. "But next time I'll ask him for suitors if the Eddy thing doesn't work out."

"This one!" Charlotte gasped out and rose a white and red gown into the air, swirly patterns along the lace draping from the bottom of its sleeves. "You will marry him in this dress. Pick some hair accessories, then we'll head home to your surprise." Her mother was beaming from happiness.

All the talk of weddings and the future made Strelitzia uncomfortable. And now the only friend she really had would be across the sea in another country. She couldn't see how her mother and friend could be so excited.

The smile on her mother's face was enough to quiet all of the snarky remarks in her mind. Charlotte seemed to be enjoying herself and Strelitzia couldn't bring herself to ruin that. Despite her own doubts about her betrothal. Her brows rose at the mention of a surprise. Somehow she felt that it would not be something she truly enjoyed, but she would find out soon enough. Strel moved to the display case that held pins and clips of various designs. She sorted through them before settling on a matching pair of silver flowers, presenting them for her mother's approval. "I rather like these."

"I think he'll love them." Marnetta spoke dramatically as well as sarcastically, but she nudged her foot against Strelitzia and craned her neck towards a better looking dress. "We'll come back for that one later." She whispered.

Strelizia smiled, though turned around when a small child pressed a piece of paper in her hand. Children often loved to pass drawings around in the town Square, especially to the women they considered beautiful. She opened the paper and her eyes widened.

They're watching you. They could even be standing right next to you and you wouldn't know it.

Strelitzia stopped reading, surveying her surroundings while her heart drummed in her ears. She felt everyone's eyes on her, felt as though someone was watching her every step. At first she thought it could've been a joke until a hooded figure rose a gleaming dagger up into the air, signifying they'd gut her if she screamed. But when a crowd of people blocked the view and headed for the stand, the person was gone.

Her hands shook as she glimpsed back down.

We will find you, and we'll kill your mother first. I suggest you leave the town Square immediately.

Charlotte snatched the letter from her hand, her eyes darting from left to right before she dropped it. "We're leaving. Get Marnetta and head to the carriage. Now."


The ride back to their home felt all too short to Strel, especially after the letter that child had given her. They had made a single stop in between the town and the estate to drop off Marnnetta. The girls waved their goodbyes and wished each other luck with each other's engagements before parting ways. Charlotte was radiating from excitement the closer the carriage drew to their house.

Once they arrived, Charlotte practically dragged Strelitzia by her hand into the house. They passed through the doors, passing servants with their heads bowed, to come to a stop in the foyer. There she noticed her father sitting across from a man who had his back to her.

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