Ch. 9 - Regnum Infernale

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Everyone sunk to their knees save for Misty and Melanie, who walked up to Michael to be near him. The little girl took her mother's hand and her movements toward her father insisted they join him. Once they did, Melanie got a good look at everyone who bowed in submission to the rule of her family.

"Rise...but remain on your knees!" They did so, all in unison, looking up at Miriam as she continued: "The King and Queen will be having a coronation ceremony and celebration right after it occurs. It will take place in the Great Hall just up this pathway to the compounds in two days time. Attendance is mandatory, as is formal dress. My associates will give you tours of the compounds and the sanctuary."

A total of three Cooperative guards came to collect the survivors in groups to tour the sanctuary, leaving just the four elite members of their society there. Michael kept his eyes on Misty, who looked around at the natural scenery long and well, smiling with admiration. He took in a breath of air through his nose, exhaling as he started to speak.

"I painstakingly made sure this sanctuary, our home, would have natural scenery," he said. "I know you loved the swamp."

"It was my home," she said with sad nostalgia.

"You could even have a garden," he permitted. "Whatever your heart desires. This is all ours, after all. We not only own the sanctuary and the Cooperative, but we own everyone as well."

"But they aren't slaves, mom," Melanie said reassuringly, sensing her apprehension while smiling up at her and holding her hand. "They are our subjects. You are going to be Queen! Not like those wimpy queens from the storybooks. A real Queen, mom."

It ain't like they got a choice to submit, Misty thought as Melanie sensed it off her, if they don't, they die. I can't even imagine what Michael would do.

"Indeed, she would be," Michael said, coming to her side and clutching her waist with his arm. "She will make a fine Queen."

"Wait, if you are King, dad, and mom is Queen," Melanie speculated. "What am I?"

Michael crouched down to eye level toward Melanie and put his hands on her shoulders and smiled, peering into her eyes: "Her Infernal Highness, the Princess of Regnum Infernale."


The coronation ceremony was a grand affair, and the survivors even lent a hand in setting up for it. It was the dictionary definition of a utopia, but the flaws were yet to come to the surface. Survivors from the other three sanctuaries travelled quite far to also attend the event, accepting Michael as their Lord, Savior, Master and King. The Grand Hall was a communal space that was quite grand with a chandelier, fire pits, and seats set up like a music hall with a stage elevated above them. This would be the focal point for the coronation, as Michael, Misty and Melanie would be standing on it as Miriam was the one to put the crowns on their heads; all except for Melanie, for she was a special case.

 This would be the focal point for the coronation, as Michael, Misty and Melanie would be standing on it as Miriam was the one to put the crowns on their heads; all except for Melanie, for she was a special case

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