10 : saving wade

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"Bad news guys" ogden morrow woke them up. "Ioi knows their location"

"Who?" Asked rachel. She rubbed her eyes tiredly. Daito tapped sho's shoulder,waking him up.

"Wade and samantha" ogden handed them mugs of coffees. "But the good news is,i found aech, and she's willing to help"

"Good" rachel took a sip. "So we just have to get them to the jet and-"

"Not the jet,no.." ogden gave her an apologetic smile. "I can't be seen helping you all, ioi will come for me in real life too if they find out"

"So we're on our own" daito nodded.

"Don't worry, your friend helen has a van,big enough for all of you, and a van would look less suspicious than a jet" said ogden.

"Aech?" Rachel smiled. "Helen isn't it?"

"Hi" the girl smiled awkwardly.


"Sho,and daito.." she nodded. "I know"

"Uhh guys? Ioi is heading to their place now, you might want to go now" ogden said before leaving the four of them.

"Get in my van" aech opened the van's door. "Im driving"

They hopped into the van. Sho took the front seat beside aech, leaving daito and rachel behind.

"This is bigger than I thought" rachel plopped herself on the seat.

"This is comfortable" daito sat beside her. "Prefer this than the jet actually"

They sat in a comfortable silence for a while. Rachel closed her eyes,getting sleepy.

"Hey daito?" Rachel called him. "Im sorry for last night"

"Sorry for..what?" He frowned.

"Sorry for.. crying like crazy"

"It's ok, you don't have to be sorry"

"It's not ok!" She said quickly. "I made you uncomfortable, didn't i?"

"No.." he smiled. "I'm thankful that you didn't try to hide your feelings, it made me feel like i get to know you even more"

"Why do you need to know me?" She chuckled. "Just for your info, even though we're sisters, me and nat are different,but if you need to-"

"I don't like nat" he cut her off. "I want to know you because..."

Daito hung his words. He was having a debate with himself whether to tell her or not. Rachel sat nervously, waiting for his respond. Daito stared into her eyes, hand caressing her cheek.

"I like y-"

"GUYS WE'RE HERE!" Aech hopped off the van. "I'm going to get wade"

Rachel got his hand off her. "We'll discuss this later"

Hi guys im back 😊 tell me what you think

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