7 : a helping hand

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"Ogden morrow?"
"Yes, it's me" morrow smiled. "We need to get out of here"
"They're coming for your sister" he said. "You wouldn't want to come with her,would you?"
"Well..where should i go?"
"With me"
"To japan"
"What?!" Rachel said surprised. "Why japan?"
"We're saving your friend, toshiro and akihide"
"I don't even know them"
"Yes you do" morrow said while walking down the stairs. "You know them as daito and sho"
"Why are we saving them?"
"Ioi sent their people to go after them" said him. "And we need to get there before ioi do"

Rachel found herself in ogden morrow's private jet. She leaned towards the window , trying to enjoy the view.
But she couldn't. Her mind's wandering to the sight of daito. She wasn't ready to meet him.
"What's going on?" Morrow sat beside her. "You look flustered"
"I just.." rachel bite her lip. "I don't know if i can meet him in person"
"Let's focus on saving him,ok? You can only meet him if he survive"
Rachel nodded. She fell asleep with her mind still thinking about him.

"Do you want to save him or not?"
Rachel bite her lip. She's holding the gun morrow gave her. He said it was to protect herself.
"I'm not sure what to do,sir" rachel said. "I don't know how,why don't you just save him yourself?"
"Girl" morrow looked at her. "I'm just a weak,old man. What do you expect?"
"How am i supposed to save him,sir?"
"Just grab him out,geez. I'll keep in touch"
"What if i-"
"Ioi will be here in a few minutes" morrow said. "This is your best chance"

Rachel took the elevator up to the floor where he lived. She slowly walked through the corridor, her heart beating so fast she thought she could faint.
His door was in front of her. She gained courage to knock,but there was no respond.
"He must be online now" she thought. She didn't have much time to think,because after that, a group of ioi sixers came barging in.
"Daito,open the door!" She panicked,hitting the door. Still no respond.
"Get lost,young lady" a sixer said. "We don't wanna hurt you"

Rachel cried in panic attack. Her hands trembling as she's holding the gun behind her back. The sixers stood there waiting for her to move.
"Please,open the door.."
As if heaven heard her, the door creaked open, revealing a teen japanese boy behind it.

"What the hell..?" He said confused.
Rachel pulled him inside, then she locked the door. The sixers were outside,trying to get in.

"Daito! I mean, toshiro...it's me.."
"Hawk?" His eyes widened. "I recognize your voice.."
"I'm rachel" she said. "We have to go!"
"Can't you see that ioi's trying to kill you?"
"What?because i rejected them?"
"My sister betrayed us, she chose to help them"
"You mean gwen?"
"Nat. Her name is nat"
"Ok,so how do we go through them?"
"I brought a gun"
"Gun?" He asked. "How did you get a gun?"
"Ogden morrow gave it to me"
"Wait! How did he-"

Suddenly the door blew up, and now they're facing a dozen of ioi's armed sixers.
"Let's go!" Rachel took his hand. But it was too late, a sixer punched her nose, making her fall to the ground. Toshiro managed to knock down one of them, but then he fell too.

The sixers pulled him into his balcony. While they're distracted with him, they didn't realize that rachel grabbed the gun and start shooting their legs.
"Motherfu-" the sixer's curse was cut off when rachel shot his arm. She grabbed toshiro's hand pulling him up.

"Come on"
"How did you get to japan?" He asked when they were running down the stairs.
"Told you, ogden morrow helped me"
"Where's him then?"
"Outside in his jet"
"You came with a jet?"
"Dude,stop asking!"

When they got to the jet, morrow was there with a bald teenage boy around 12. "Hi everyone,this is akihide,you know him as shoto"
"Sho?" Toshiro was the first to react. "Is that really you?"
"Hi,brother" he smiled nervously. "Ya..it's me"
"I thought you guys are siblings in real life" rachel sighed.
"Sorry,who are you?"
"Hi sho,it's me,it's hawk" she smiled. "Im rachel by the way"
"Wait.." he grinned. "Daito...?"

Guys so sorry it took long to update, i just have things going on with school and shits, im devastated lmao i promise i'll try my best

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