6 : they're coming for us

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"So you like my sister" rachel said. "Why don't you go tell her?"
"It's .. complicated"
"Why is it complicated?"
"Because i don't like her, i like you" he thought.
"Hey,answer me" said her.
"Why do you wanna know?"
"Because i thought you liked me" she thought.
"Hey,answer me"
"You haven't answered my question yet"
Rachel looked at parzival and artemis dancing. "I've always wanted to dance"
"Then let's dance" daito said.
"Go ask gwen"
"Im asking you"
"No,you like her,you should ask her"
"Are you jealous or something?"
"Kinda" rachel thought.
"No" said her.
"Well in that-WHAT IS THAT?!"

A bunch of sixers suddenly broke the club's wall and shooting in random directions. Aech and sho began loading their weapons inventory and shot them back. Arty and zee hid behind a table while trying to block the shot.
"Here" daito threw a loaded gun for rachel. "I'm trying to shoot as many as possible"
"Well,i think it's impossible" rachel shot 5 of the sixers. "They keep coming back"
"I'm out!" Daito screamed frustrated. Rachel pulled him behind a table to avoid of getting shot.
Nat was still shooting until she ran out of weapon too. Lucky for her, the escape route was near so she ran away easily. Sho and aech still fighting against the sixers. Zee and arty too, but they would run out of weapon eventually.
"We need to go" daito said panting heavily. "My armor is getting thinner"
"Mine too" rachel said. "Zee and arty are still standing,aech and daito as well"
"Can yo-watch out!" Daito managed to pull rachel away before the table they were hiding behind exploded.
"There!" She pointed at a small escape door.

"What the hell was that?" Nat panting heavily. "Ioi has lost their mind"
"I'm afraid so" sho said. "They're going to attack again in no time"
"We have to face ioi while working on the next clue?" Zee said. "Hell"
"Let's just calm down" arty said. "So..we meet again tomorrow"
"I'm afraid there might not be tomorrow" said aech.
"And you" arty looked at zee. "Just don't..don't talk to me"
Arty walked away wiping her tears. Zee didn't even try to go after her. He just stood there looking sad.
"What happened?" Rachel asked.
"I told her my real identity" zee said. "Then she got mad"
"Of course she' mad" said aech. "What a stupid thing to do"
"Dude,this is oasis. We trust no one in the oasis" daito rolled his eyes.
"But i love her!" Zee said in frustration. "I trust her"
"Im sure she loves you too" said rachel. "She's just smarter"
"When you love someone,you just don't care anymore" said zee. "You just trust them"
Daito looked at rachel,and when she realized, he quickly change his direction to nat.
"So you do love her,don't you" rachel thought. "Silly me to think that you would ever fall for me"

Nat frowned at her visor. Hi,sp1dergwen.this is nolan sorrento from ioi. I'd like to have a talk. Touch to enter conversation.
"I got one too" rachel said. "Should we ignore them?"
"It's not gonna stop them from attacking us" nat said.
They both touched the screen. Suddenly they were in the ioi's office with nolan sorrento greeting them.
"Just make it quick" said rachel. "What do you want?"
Sorrento chuckled. "Ioi wants to make an offer"
"What offer?"
"You gonna help me find the egg" said him. "And we're gonna pay you"
"How much?" Nat asked. Sorrento smiled.
"Gwen!" Rachel whispered. Nat ignored her.
"I assume you talked to parzival earlier" rachel said. "And he rejected the offer didn't he?"
"Well, his lost" sorrento chuckled. "Now i'm offering you the same deal,so,what do you say?"
"No!" Said rachel.
"Deal!" Nat said in the same time.
"What?" Rachel looked at her in disbelief.
"We need the money" said her. "And with ioi's help,we could win the egg,we co-"
"What about our friends?"
"What friends?"
"Are you kidding me? Zee,arty,daito,sho,aech?what are they to you?"
"They rejected the offer,their loss"
"This isn't about the money!" Rachel screamed in frustration. "We swore not to let ioi win!"
"What does it have to do if we win,rachel stark?"
"How do you.."
"Yes,i know you,rachel. I also know where you live." Sorrento smiled.
"See,nat? They've been spying on us!" Rachel almost cried.
"So what?they will find us anyway!"

Rachel didn't know what to do,so she logged out.
Nat was still online in her visor,so rachel ran outside her room...only to find someone outside the door smiling at her.
"Ogden morrow?"


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