105 8 0

a/n; self harm

Kim Taehyung sighs once again.

Lights flickered, and music from across taehyung's apartment could lightly be heard from his room. But taehyung didn't care. He didn't care. He couldn't.

Not when blood oozed out of his arm and small, quiet whimpers filled his room. The party was across his arpartment and it was held by Jeon Jeongguk. The one and only fuckboy.

The loud music blurred out his whimpers so taehyung didn't feel pathetic. The device next to her buzzed and rang until he snapped out of his thoughts and actually had energy to decline the call.

He scoffed knowing who it was.

Kim Seokjin was currently calling the latter.


Taehyung and seokjin were in good terms.

No doubt about that.

But knowing the latter if he answered that call he was probably gonna burst through the door just by listening to taehyung's voice.

Raspy and broken.

"Broken," taehyung whispers.

"That's what I am,"



Kim Seokjin scoffs and grabs his bag.

"Fucking hell kim taehyung," he makes his way towards his shoe rack and slipped on his white converse. The latter grabs his jacket and opens his car door.

Seokjin lets out a long sigh before proceeding to scroll down his contacts and call Park Jimin.

"Kim," seokjin whispers.

The latter can hear a sad sigh before hearing an 'on my way'.


Kim Jimin was sprawled out in his room.

He was currently listening to sabrina claudio 'belong to you' while doing homework.

The latter listened to the soothing voice of sabrina while humming softly. His feet moved back and forth as he layed on his stomach, his book lined up with his chest, and phone on the right top of his book.

The device later rang and immediately grabbed onto it.

"Hyung?" jimin whispers.

A sad sigh leaves his mouth and he whispers "on my way,"

a/n; this is crap af
— unedited

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