Seeing Him Again (chapter 1)

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Hello if you guys saw the description then you know what is going on but if you didn't I suggest you do.....This is a Dance AU and a klance fan fic as a reminder I do not own Voltron or any of the characters but I may add some OCs in my story but they have to be my OC anyway enjoy the story (also I'll try not to make it cringe)

Keith's POV

As me and Shiro walked out of our apartment that we had lived in together and walked towards the car to go to the dance studio as we were talking "Ahhhh don't you remember this place Keith" I heard Shiro sigh "Yeah it feels good to be back" I looked outside at my surroundings and breathing in the air that was so clear. It sucks that we had to move away from this town because we still lived with our parents, then all the memories came rushing back towards my mind.

The memories and Pidge, Hunk and.....Lance, all the memories of Lance and I being together and having fun with everyone always laughing and smiling until.... I caught him cheating on me with a girl who had long black hair and she was also pale but not as pale as me, she had nice eyes, her skin was flawless, she looked perfect I could honestly understand why he would fall for her but I was gay. We were at the mall when it happened god I hate the mall now. As I relived these memories they brought tears to my eyes and Shiro noticed "Hey Keith you alright?" Shiro had a concerned and caring look on his face that also made me break down and tell him that I remember everything that happened with Lance but I only said "Yeah I'm fine, it just brings back old memories" I wiped my tears away and got into the car "Lets just go to the studio I miss it" Shiro got into the car and chuckled "Yeah I know I miss the studio too" Shiro wasn't that much older than me I was 21 now and he was 25.

We moved away from here when I was 16 and Shiro was 20 we have been gone for 5 years I know it doesn't seem like a long time ago but trust me it was and I missed living here I also loved the town name Voltron town Shiro, my parents and I lived on Red Lion street, I loved that street sense I was 4 and still do but now we live on Black Lion street we couldn't get an apartment on Red Lion street sadly but Black Lion street was the closest to the Red Lion street so we lived there.

As we drove to the dance studio that was kind of close the Black Lion street I remember always going there when I was down. Dancing was a way to express myself so I loved dancing but when we lived away there was no dance studio and I was depressed so I turned to cutting. Cuts covered the inside of my arms lines across my pale skin some were still healing and most of them were scars. The scars were pink so they easily showed on my skin and I stooped wearing long sleeves and started to wear short sleeves again m, to be honest I didn't care if people saw my scars, it was a way for me to stop hurting, it shows that a lot of people have problems.

Just a few seconds later the car stopped and I look out the main window and saw the studio I was excited. I jumped out of the passenger seat and took out my duffle bag as Shiro did the same, Shiro was the new teacher and I just wanted to dance my favorite kind of dancing is usually freestyles or pole dancing nothing sexual. "Race you to the studio Shiro who ever is last has to do a handstand and they the splits" I dared him knowing that it was hard for him to do the spilts, I was pretty fast at running but Shiro did track in Jr. High and in high school but I forgot about that "Your on ready...." I prepared my self to run "Get set.....GO" we ran to the studio running really fast but Shiro was going faster, we reached the studio and Shiro won we were both out of breath "Sense I.......won I get to add....a couple more things" Shiro was bent down with his hands on his knees breathing heavily "Fine" I was sitting on the floor next to the door also breathing heavily "We will talk later about what I want you to do" I nodded

We both finally caught our breath and walked inside, as soon as I walked in I inhaled the air it brought so many memories for dancing with Shiro and Pidge. I smiled I love those memories they have always been my favorite the only reason why I loved this place was because I could always relax, release my anger, when I was upset, or bored but more importantly I was with my friends. "Do u think Hunk, Pidge, Allura, and Coran still live here?" I asked as I observed the studio it still looked the same as when I left "I don't know it's been 5 years it's a possibility, Oh and I also got a surprise for you" I turned around to look at Shiro "What?" I asked him then all of the sudden I hear confetti cannons shoot, I ducked my head from the sudden noise but a soon as I turned around I saw Pidge, Hunk, Allura, and Coran all standing saying SURPRISE "Oh My God" I held my hand up to my mouth as tears started to form in my eyes I immediately noticed Pidge "PIDGE!!" I ran towards her as she also ran towards me. We both made impact so hard the we both fell to the ground hugging each other and crying. "Pidge" I sobbed while hugging Pidge tightly "Keith" she also sobbed "I missed you do much" I hugged her closer "Me too Keith me too" we stayed on the floor for a while and they we got up.

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