Working for him

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"What is she even doing here?"

"Why would you ask that, you know damn well why she is here. She's mine."

"What do you mean, leave that poor girl alone!"

"You don't get to tell me what to do."

*four gunshots fired.


I woke up by the sound of several gunshots. Out of reflex I sat up in the bed I was in opened my eyes and covered my head praying that I won't get hit. When nothing happens I slowly open my eyes and see that there is no one there nor am I in the same room that I fell sleep in. I start to panic as the memory's of last night came back to me. Te texts and the man in the hospital room.

The room I was in had baby pink walls, the bed was light pink with a hint of gold some places. The sheets were also pink and it honestly looked like a room a princess would have.

 The sheets were also pink and it honestly looked like a room a princess would have

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It reminds me very much of the room I have in Dimitris penthouse in New York. Except now I have no idea where I am or what I am doing here.

Suddenly I hear footsteps outside my door. Some of the footsteps are light while others are very heavy. The door is roughly opened and four big men enter the room. They're all about 6 foot tall. In the middle is a man who is about 5,10 foot tall. I look closer at the man and when I realize who it is I instantly freeze. I forget how to breathe for a second. It's Chaz.

Chaz comes to the end of the bed I'm in and smirks devilishly. His eyes show pure evil. They remind me very much of Dante's eyes when he first saw Chaz when we were in the hot tub.

"You look very good in those princess."
He suddenly says and I look down at my body and realize what I am wearing.

"He suddenly says and I look down at my body and realize what I am wearing

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This is definitely not the outfit I was wearing back at the cruise. I immediately grab the closest pillow and cover myself. Chaz just laughs coldly and winks to his friends/bodyguards I don't know.

"Dih-dihd yhou dress meh?" I say breathy because my voice disappeared for a second. He just looks at me and doesn't say anything. He then looks at one of the tall guys and points at him. The guy he is pointing at has a creepy beard and pale skin. He is really big. His arms are covered in tattoos and scars. His hair is okay looking and has a chestnut brown color. His eyes are pitch black.

"No he did. And he certainly enjoyed it." Chaz says and the creepy man smiles even creepier at me. My body is freezing and There travels a cold chill down my spine and it's not because of the cold. It's because of that man that is probably about 20 years older than me that is staring at me intensely.

At this moment I really wish Dante was here. I kinda miss him.

"Now as much as I like you in that mini outfit I would like you to put this on." Chaz says and hands me a fancy black box with a golden bow on. All the men find a place in the room I am in to sit. While Chaz is still standing by the edge of the bed. A little hesitated I accept the box and open it, don't get me wrong I'm still terrified I just do not want to piss off Chaz. I know how that will end. I open the box carefully and at first I see some black and white fabric. Then when I am closer I see that it is a maid uniform.

 Then when I am closer I see that it is a maid uniform

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Well not a uniform it is more like a stripper outfit. But that's what Chaz likes.

I look at him weirdly as he says "now I want you to change into that now." Hesitantly I stand up and look for the bathroom. When I can't find it I ask one of the men where the bathroom is. Chaz then takes my upper arm and pulls me to him gently which was surprising. "No, here in front of us." He says and I immediately turn red. But I do as he says fearing that I will get hit if I don't obey.

After a lot of creepy looks I am finally in that little stripper outfit that Chaz wanted me to wear. One of the men that are in my room hands me a paper. The paper says

"Working for Chaz Romano.
05:30 am: wake up, get ready.
05:45 am: clean downstairs before morning meetings.
06:30 am: breakfast for those who are awake.
07:15 am: clean in the kitchen and prepare for the next meal.
08:00 am: laundry.
09:00 am: wake up Chaz, bring him his breakfast.
10:00 am: clean living room, all bathrooms. (Not included Chaz's)
12:00 am: clean every part of the down stairs.
01:00 pm: lunch for you.
01:05 pm: done with lunch.
01:05 pm:workout, abs, thighs, ass, arms, hips, cardio, weights.
03:00 pm:done with workout
03:30 pm: done with shower.
04:00 pm: wash all cars.
06:00 pm: make dinner. Take requests from the ones that live here.
07:00 pm: free time.
08:30 pm: clean upstairs.
10:00 pm: sleep.

This is your schedule. The one time you'll get food is in the schedule. Do not disobey."

"What the hell is this?!" I yell frustrated. How am I only supposed to eat one time a day and workout for two hours. I cannot even eat for a little energy after the workout. I need to get out of this place. I need to see Dante again. Maybe I'll get out of this place soon.

I finally uploaded. Thank u so much for reading this chapter. I'm sorry for it has been so long. I lost WiFi for so long this month. And I have a Christmas exam tomorrow and I'm sooooo freakin nervous.

Anyway let me know if u liked this chapter by commenting and if you did please don't forget the little ⭐️ at the bottom thankuuuu!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Anyway let me know if u liked this chapter by commenting and if you did please don't forget the little ⭐️ at the bottom thankuuuu!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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