Part 10

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You rested your head on the glass of the passenger window of Negan's truck, some fog settled along the roadway. It was extremely difficult to see in front of the truck. Negan pressed the gas petal and continued to drive through the fog. He was unaware of the horde that was in your path to the sanctuary. Unfortunately for the two of you, he didn't see the herd in time to stop, so you were sent flying into them, swerving and running over walkers. The rough terrain and conditions of the particular circumstances and bumps in the road caused your head to separate from the glass and come crashing down onto it with a hard slam causing the glass to break. He looked over to you after he heard the noise and your scream, and drove through the rest of the herd and Negan slammed on the breaks and began to examine your face, assessing the damage. You moved your hands away from your right eye, blood seeping from several cuts across your face and shoulder.

"Holy shit." he said looking at the small fragments of glass stuck in the side of your face. "Alright, we have to get to the doctor. Here." he handed you his scarf, "Can you keep pressure on it? Can you make it back okay or do you feel like you're going to pass out? Doll, look at me! Ah, shit!" he finished, eyes wide staring at you.

"Negan, I'm fine. It's just a couple of cuts, not that much blood. Are you gonna make it back okay or should I drive." you said jokingly trying to not think about the pain or about the shape you were in. Negan pressed the gas pedal down to the floor.The truck was hauling back to the sanctuary.

Negan began, "I'm fine, but you are not. Doll, this is serious, your hurt. Bad."

The truck Negan drove quickly approached the gates, Negan waiving his hand out of the window frantically and beeping the horn, not caring that it would draw surrounding walkers toward the camp. The gates sprung open in just enough time for the truck to graze right through.

Members of the sanctuary came rushing out to help aid in whatever way possible, not knowing what caused Negan's panic and urgency. He quickly slid out of the door and raced around to your side, glass broken and bloodied yelling get the doctor! She's hurt!" He proceeded to attempt to carry you into the doctor's room, you tried pushing him off "Negan, I'm good. I can walk I didn't break my damn legs." you were getting irritated at how attached and frantic he was, you tried to walk but you stumbled instead. Negan snaked his arm around your body just in time so you didn't fall.

"Look, you're freaking out, in front of all of your people. You need to calm down, you didn't do this, it was an accident. Go calm your people down now, you got them all freaked out and worked up." you pleaded to him seeing the edges of your vision fade to black.

"I'm not-" he uttered.

"GO!" you tried yelling at him, "I'm okay, I can make it."

He picked you up and cradled you and ran into the doctor's room, his eyes quickly noticing your presence. He got up quickly as a nurse guided you over to an examining table. "How did this happen?" the doctor questioned Negan about you, peeling the scarf away from your face.

You winced at the pain but pushed through to answer the doctor."Ah, um, I was in the truck coming back here from a pick up and there was the fog and walkers, I had my head resting on the, OUCH, GOSH FUCK!" you screamed swinging your fist, as Negan swept across the room to your side, holding your hand and drilling holes into the doctor for putting you in more pain. "Uh, sorry Doc. Yeah, my head on the window and we hit the herd and here we are." your smiled a little.

"Well, you must have some kind of hard head to break that glass, luckily, no glass got into your eyes. You only have four abrasions on he lateral portion of your face. And two additional on your shoulder. It's a miricale that only one of them will need stitches." he said while gently wiping the blood from your face. "Mary, I'm going to need some more alcohol, bandages and sutures. Painkillers."

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