Part 3

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You turned around to face forward in Negan's truck. Property of Negan? What does he mean by that? You looked at him hesitantly asking "What do you mean I'm property of Negan?" Negan replied back to you shaking his head, "Well darlin' it means that if you do what I say then you'll live and if you don't then you get to meet Lucille personally." You sat there in shock, questioning yourself what did you get yourself into, when a voice came over his radio, "Hey Negan, we can make a left here to hit a hardware store. It will only take us about three miles off course, but I think it would be worth it..." Negan quickly forgot the conversation the two of you were having, and replied "Let's make it a quick one boys! I've got shit to do!"

Moments later you pull up to an old 'Mom and Pop' style hardware store on the side of the road near the woods. Negan turned to tell you, "Stay put and don't do anything stupid. I don't like hurting women, but I will if I have to." You nod slowly in compliance. He proceeded to get out of the truck and you watched as he told a savior to stay with you to make sure you didn't try to escape. With a watchmen in place, his loud voice boomed as he spoke, "Let's make it quick, we don't have a lot of sun left and I've got shit to do!" and with Negan leading the way, the remaining saviors followed.

You remained in the truck, when you remembered you still had your hunting knife in you boot. Just then there was a rustle coming from the woods. The savior devoted his attention towards the noise as he readied himself for whatever was coming. You watched in anticipation as a small herd of about twelve walkers emerged from the trees. The savior ran towards the herd with his knife drawn as he killed a few of them. You watched as he lost his balance over a dead walker, as the remaining seven closed in on him. You jumped out of the truck pulling out your knife as three shots rang out from the saviors gun. Bang. Bang. Bang.

Inside,Negan and the others heard the gunshots and immediately came running. You heroically pushed and kicked walkers away as you got closer to the savior on the ground, sinking your knife into a walker's head before pulling it out as you ran to help the savior, your knife came down on the head of the walker that was on top of him, as Negan and the saviors ran over to help. You extended out your hand to help him get up. He grabbed it and you pulled hard to lift him up, offering you a small smile in return.

Now that the herd was all put down, you noticed Negan watching you with a twinkle in his eye. You narrowed your eyes and furrowed your brow, "What?" you asked him wiping your bloodied knife on your jeans.

"Well, would you look at that. She can fight. You saved one of my men, thank you Y/N." Negan answered you. "We should go, it almost dark and those damn gunshots are going to draw more of them in I don't want to be here when that shit storm happens." He motioned to you to surrender your knife. "Hiding anything else are you, sweetheart?" You shook your head, "No. That's all I have." Satisfied with your answer he opened the truck door for you. you climbed in.

Again, you were alone in the backseat of Negan's truck, contemplating how to fineness and charm your way back to Alexandria and your group. Your eyes looked out the window as you saw your destination come into view.

"This is the Sanctuary, doll. Your new home." Negan said to your growing curiousness of your whereabouts. The gates opened as the truck rolled to a stop. He hopped out of the truck as another man walked over to him. "Simon, this bombshell of a women needs to spend a couple of days in solitary, need to remind her who's in charge." The man nodded and then motioned for you to come out. "Come on, let's go. Negan has a special room for you." You watched Negan put Lucille on his shoulder once again as he walked off.

"What's your name?" the man asked

"Y/N." you replied

"I'm Simon, delighted to meet you. Well here we are..." he trailed off stopping in front of a big steel door. Simon grabbed you by the back of the arm and forced you to walk closer.

"Where are you taking me? What's in there?" you frantically asked as a heavy steel door opened and you stared into the dark unknown. Suddenly, with a strong push from Simon, you were sent flying down onto the damp, cold, dirty floor. Before you could get up, the door was slammed shut. It was dark and you couldn't see anything. You scrambled to your feet, hands scraping at the walls in attempt to get your bearings. There you were, trapped in a small, dark room with nothing but your mind.

You couldn't fight back the tears of regret and frustration, at your current predicament. You pulled your knees up to your chest as tears rolled down your cheeks. Now you were exhausted, mentally and physically, you lazily laid down in the fetal position and drifted off to sleep. 

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