"Hey, don't do anything crazy." he said laughing nervously seeing your slight aggression.

"I just can't wait to get to Alexandria." you said releasing her from your grip. "Something about you made my brain snap, I ain't the same now." you said smiling, running your finger along the barbed wire generously wrapped around the bat.You could feel his eyes on you, you looked up at him, he was looking at you with mixed emotions ranging from concern to lust. You looked him in his eyes, "Let's have some fun!" raising your eyebrows.

During the drive to Alexandria, your former home, you gazed out of the window. Flashbacks started happening to when you had your psychotic break in your 'special room' Negan put you in after he took you. You had spent days in dark, slowly letting the darkness seep into you and your mind. You snapped. Punching the walls and the door relieving the frustration and emotion from your body, leaving your knuckles bloody.

Once you were numb, you managed to put together a plan to get revenge. Revenge for Glenn, Abraham, Alexandria and everyone else including yourself. It began when Negan let you out, you could then put our plan into place. When you were out, with him, you played out your plan but most importantly, you played him.

"You ready, Darlin'?" he said, you didn't respond, "Hey, what is goin' on in your fucked up head today?" he questioned you.

"Ah, nothing, just thinking about what I'm going to do to you later." you said looking at him, eyeing him like a walker does to anything living and breathing.

He smiled, "C'mon then, let's make this quick."

You both got out of the truck. You pulled out your machete and Negan hoisted Lucille to his shoulder. You walked towards the gate, the armed guard told the others to open the gate. You began to take the lead just went you felt the business end of Lucille on your shoulder. You stopped suddenly body stiffening. Fuck, he did know, and he brought you here to kill you and the others.

"I told you, didn't I Darlin'." he paused, "I call the shots. I go first." he said lifting Lucille off of your shoulder and walking past you through the gate into Alexandria. You took a breath, he really didn't know about your plans with Rick and the rest of the group.

"Negan." you said, walking behind him grabbing his shoulder firmly.

He turned to you, "You fuckin' crazy woman?" he shouted at you but you didn't show any emotion, you didn't falter.

"When you locked me away. It changed me. I snapped. I don't feelanymore. All I want is revenge, power. And you can give that to me. I just need a chance. Let me." you said lifting your head making eye contact.

"Don't get that wacked up head of yours ahead of yourself." he said rejecting your request for control over this run.

"This is my group. My people. I call the shots. This here," you motioned to the town and the emerging people, "I made. I helped build this. Not you."

He looked at you head cocked to the side, surprised. "Really, now? You think you can handle that sweetheart? You think you can-"

"You're a fierce leader, but I can do better. You're crazy, but I'm crazier. You have everything to lose. I don't." you said walking towards him. "Do you trust me?"

"Always. But, I can't just let you have complete control over all of them. I just can't, not now." he said softly, "But, eventually, Doll. I trust you." looking deep into your eyes.

Your plan was working perfectly. You had him almost completely wrapped around your finger. He made it easy.

"Rick!" you shouted walking deeper into Alexandria. "Come out, come out!" You walked right up to his front door, he opened it slowly, seeing you standing there.

"Is that necessary, Y/N?" Rick asked you motioning to the sharp machete you had in your hand.

You tipped the hat on your head, "Just a little precaution, you know the drill Rick." you said walking past him into his home. Negan followed you locking eyes with Rick raising his eyebrows and biting his fist.

"Ah, it's been a while since I've seen your little girl. Oh wait, it's really Shane's but good for you for steppin' up to the plate." you said. Rick bowed his head, your words hurting a little. "Where is she?"

Rick pointed and started talking, "Maggie, she uh, took her on a walk. They're outside.

"I feel like taking a walk, don't you dear husband?" you said towards Negan.

Negan smiled and said, "You go ahead, Doll, I wanna stay and chat with our gracious host for a minute."

You looked at him and Lucille. You walked over to Negan planting a deep kiss on him before you left. But as you turned Negan's hand connected with your bottom, making you jump a little. You turned around and your eyes met his. He had a shit eating grin plastered across him face. You left to go find Maggie and Judith.

"She's one hell of a woman, isn't she?" Negan said to Rick. Rick remained silent. "Oh, c'mon now Rick, you had her since this started, time to let someone else have some quality time with her."

"You don't touch her, or I swear to-" Rick said before Negan interrupted him.

"Or you'll what? You gonna do that whole, 'not today, not tomorrow' bullshit?" Negan hissed. "Let's go see how much of your shit I can fit into my truck." They went outside.

"What did you do to her. She's...different." Rick said clearing his throat, Negan analyzing Rick, "Looks like she's wearing the pants in the relationship."

Negan let Lucille dangle in his hand, laughing he said "You know Rick, it's because of her, this place isn't burnt down yet with all of you turned, chained to my fence." he stepped close to Rick, "She might think she's in control, but I assure you, I know everything that crazy thing over there does. I am everywhere. In case you haven't caught on."

Rick stared to the ground, not knowing what he really knows. Rick did know that he doesn't know about your plan to overthrow him yet because you were still alive.

The guys finished loading up your truck and you said your goodbyes to Judith and Maggie and found your way over to Rick who was standing alone. Negan was making sure nothing was skimped on. "Everything go okay? What I said earlier, you know I didn't mean a word, I just gotta make it believable." you said concern in your eyes.

"Yeah, I know." he smiled "Everything is working to your plan, perfectly I am worried about you Y/N. You do seem different, you remind me of when I broke. Just be careful, don't get lost in your thoughts, don't get inside your own head."

You smiled, "Yeah Rick, thanks. When he locked me away, something changed, it was like every cell in my body ran on revenge and nothing else. But I have to keep my head above the water, keep my head straight to help all of us." you said. "I'm sorry for this but I know he's looking."

He looked at you confused, "Wha-" he said just as your hand smacked the side of his face. You stood there for a couple seconds before plucking the hat from your head and poorly placing it atop Rick's. You turned and saw Negan, he was shocked but he still had a smirk on his face. You walked back over to the truck and got in.

Negan soon followed you and as soon as the gates closed behind the truck and you made your way back to the Sanctuary he turned his attention to you. "What was that about."

"What? Rick?" you asked. He nodded. "Oh, he was just bitching about how I took the hat from Carl, how it's not right blah blah blah."

"Damn Baby, you're cold. Smacking the very man who saved your life when this started. Maybe you are crazier than me." he smiled once again and the two of you, in a truck full of other people's things, made your way back home.

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