Almost as soon as we received word of the genin passing Genma had informed Kakashi and me that Iruka wanted to talk to us. We weren't really too sure why but we had a feeling it might have something to do with his outburst earlier today...

"I think you did good today Shizuka," Kakashi concluded as he recalled the events from earlier today. "You made Iruka really happy."

"You think so? I just gave a small suggestion," I replied shrugging. "I'm sure if I wasn't the one to say it someone else would have..."

"Still...," Kakashi began insistingly as his gaze was directed towards the incoming Iruka. "You can't deny that you gave Iruka some peace of mind and all it took was a small compromise."

"I guess your right," I answered back with a small smile playing on my lips. Knowing that one of my friends had less stress placed on them brought me a warm welcoming feeling.

"You were right Kakashi," Iruka began apologetically as he landing next to us, "they all develop very impressive skills..."

"Let's just hope that's enough for the Chunnin exams," Kakashi replied nonchalantly as he looked out towards the silent village.

"I also asked to meet up with you two in order to apologize for my hostile mood earlier today," Iruka sheepishly mumbled. "I am sorry Kakashi I shouldn't have doubted your judgment. Shizuka I shouldn't have pinned you up in such an awkward position and for that, I'm also sorry."

"Don't worry about it Iruka," I comforted Iruka. "It's understandable the way you react. You just didn't want to see your students fail."

Walking up a little close to Iruka I grabbed hold of his forearm as well as Kakashi's and quickly got them into a group hug. Even as they bumped heads from the sudden pull I brought them into a headlock smiling as I did.

"Now," I began happily as let out a small giggle, "why don't we all just ignore what happened earlier today? We don't need such a sour moment ruining the happy streak of memories in our friendship!"


     Iruka stayed with us for just a little bit after the group hug. I insisted he stayed for a while longer so we could catch up but he waved off the idea saying that he had to teach a class tomorrow morning. Kakashi and I stayed on the roof for maybe half an hour more until we also decided to just call it a day and head back home.  We were gonna split up in an intersection earlier on in the walk seeing as we live almost on opposite ends of the village but Kakashi insisted that he had no problem waking me home.

     "Do you think Sakura will show up tomorrow?" I asked Kakashi as we walked down the lonely streets.

     "I think there is a higher chance of her showing up than no," Kakashi stated nonchalantly. "I don't think she'll want to be left behind."

     "That's true," I agreed before letting out a curt giggle. "Do you remember when I took my chunnin exams?"

     "How could I forget," Kakashi chuckled as he recalled the precious memories. "You were so nervous that you almost didn't show up on the morning of! If it wasn't for Guy and me who had to drag you there you wouldn't have gone!"

"If I remember correctly I think it was Guy who did all the heavy lifting," I pointed out as I recalled on the memories. "He's the one who actually carried me out of my house and to the testing site."

"Hey I was there for moral support," Kakashi shrugged defending himself.

     "Oh you're right," I laughed, "my bad."

     As we continued walking down the empty streets the conversation never ones died down. Every ones and a while one of us would laugh and recall another memory worth sharing.

     Kakashi was never one to really let loose. Especially not in the earlier years that I've known him. It really wasn't until recently where he finally is comfortable enough to let out a few chuckles here and there but besides that, he is still a serious guy... or at least that's what he wants others to believe. It is really when he hangs out Guy where I can see a more noticeable change in character. Even when he claims he doesn't like participating in Guy's 'shenanigans' I know he really does treasure those moments.

     "Well, I guess this is it," I quietly stated as I walked up the steps of my porch. "Thank you for walking me home."

     "No problem," Kakashi answered back with a close eyed smile.

     "Goodnight Kakashi," I bid him farewell with a small peck on the cheek which he also returned.

     "See you tomorrow Shizuka, goodnight."

     With that said Kakashi turned around and began walking down the empty streets of Konoha ones more. I stayed put leaning against my door until his silhouette got far too small to watch over.

     Hello lovely readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please leave me any comments or criticism I promised I won't get offended.

     Also, it's important to note that the kiss on the cheek doesn't really mean too much right now. It's just a friendly gesture. Shizuka's and Kakashi's relationship is gonna take a while to develop... I myself don't even know when I will have their emotions blossom just yet!

Quiet SummerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя