Chapter 1 - September 11, 1986

Start from the beginning

Frank looked back at me and sighed, "I'll figure it out, Shayla."

"Thank you," I responded. Frank can be such a pain in the butt sometimes and I can't stand it, but he's getting Michael places and that's all that matters.

Once the doctor left, Michael walked up to Frank, "I'm getting tired of you disrespecting my wife, Frank. She is an extension of me, so when you disrespect her, you're disrespecting me."

"Michael, I'm not disrespecting her if I'm telling her how it is! The press will see her as some stalker ex. Especially since they haven't seen her with you in a while. And it doesn't help that you're such a recluse now. Everyone knows they'll catch you once every blue moon since you've been working on this album. They've only seen her, what? Maybe five times within the past year since I've been your manager? If they see her with you, they'll think she's a stalker. I'm just being honest."

I sighed, "would it be best if I just didn't show up at all?" They looked at me. Frank said yes. Michael said no. They both looked at each other. "If this is causing such an uproar between you two, I just won't go. It'll save us all the headache." I gathered my things.

Michael made his way over to me, "I'm sorry, babe. Look, I don't want to make you upset okay? Where are you going?"


"Can I discuss this with you once we get home?"

I sighed, "sure." Michael tried to kiss me, but I walked off. I feel like this single public persona Frank devised for him is causing a rift in our marriage. I want to be with Michael during his achievements, but Frank won't let me and if I do support Michael, Michael finds a way to sneak me in like I'm some secret. It's so confusing.


I called mom as soon as I got home, "hey mom," I sighed.

"What's wrong, Shayla?" She asked.

I sighed, "nothing. It's just this premiere Michael has tomorrow. I don't know if I'm going or not."

"You're not going to support your husband?"

"I want to, but his manager really doesn't want me to go."

"Forget the manager, Shayla! This is about you, Michael and that movie."

"It's more complicated than you think, mom. Michael wants me to go, he just wants to sneak me in. You know he's single to the public, but once he comes home, he's a married man," I rolled my eyes.

"He better not let that 'single husband' persona get to his head. Let me find out he hurt you, Shayla."

"Oh, mom... I'm not worried about that. I just feel like because of this persona, I can't celebrate Michael's public achievements with him. I feel like an outsider... I don't really like his manager and his manager definitely doesn't like me. Sometimes, I think he wishes I was gone..."

"He wants Michael to get rid of you?"

"That's what it feels like," I sighed. Everything Frank wants, Michael does it. They both swear it's in the name of Michael's career. I get it, but I feel like I can be involved somehow.

"What is Michael doing about this? Is he sticking up for you, Shayla or is he letting Frank run the show?"

"He sticks up for me. He never lets Frank disrespect me. Ever. Michael just does what he can for his career."

"Don't let them run over you, Shayla."

"I'm not... Anyway, new topic. I found something else to do in my free time!"

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