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A song began to play from some amps set up across the stage, it was one of Angelo's new songs. Leif realized that 'her' new songs were pretty melancholy and sad compared to anything he'd heard before, which made sense.

"Who was Mary to you, anyways. Besides being your partner?" Neil asked

Angelo let go of his hand, starting to speak in a defensive manner.

"She was everything to me"

Don't you dare speak her name. You didn't know her.

"But... it isn't any of your business" He added on, in a condescending tone.

If Angelo knew how to do anything, it was pushing people away. Telling them off, making sure that they took the hint that he wanted nothing to do with her. So when Leif didn't just shut his damn mouth and walk away, there wasn't much else to be said.

"Sorry for overstepping my boundaries then." He said in a melancholy tone. "It won't happen again, I promise."

Angelo grabbed Leif's hand, holding it once again.

"I swear to god... if it does, I'll-"

"You'll kill me?" Leif tacked on, in a sarcastic tone.

Angelo rolled his eyes.

"Wow. Hilarious."

"I know, right?" Leif said, jokingly.

Em ran into the crowd, it was almost impossible to see her until she reached the middle since she was barely scraping an even five feet tall.

She stood in front of Angelo for a couple seconds, before placing her hands on her hips.

"Well, Introductions must be in order! Who's this, Angie?"

Angelo let a sigh escape his mouth, he thought she had left an hour ago and was perfectly happy with that.

"This is my uh... boyfriend, Leif"

Emery stomped her foot and buried her face in her hands in an annoyingly over-exaggerated way, making herself seem cartoon-ish and immature. Leif did a little nod, fake relationships weren't in his training, so he was a little bit awkward.

"Seriously? And here I thought this dude i've been scoping out was single! And uh.. Y'know, straight."

Has anyone ever told her to shut her damn mouth?

Obviously not.

"Anyways, I'm Emery Kat, you can call me Em!" She extended her hand, and Leif shook it. She then ran back into the crowd, disappearing almost instantaneously.

Leif glanced in the direction Emery had left, then faced Angelo with a visibly confused look.

"What was that-"

"This is what the people in the Idol community are like." Angelo said, in a sarcastically sad tone. "That's the little- buddy who stole my spot the moment I went on hiatus"

Leif snickered as Angelo continued to speak.

"I don't dislike her, though. Fame just makes us all a little crazy, that's all..."


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