"Nice try~ I told you you have underestimated me sir Lovro; I won't go easy on you" I gave a wink at Karma as he gave a small growl; I walked past Bitch-sensei and Karasuma. "Good luck Bitch-sensei~"

And with that I jumped into the tress and started to jump from branch to branch as I made my way down the mountain. I KNOW Lovro is pissed!!!! Hehe this is funnier than I thought!!

Where was I going you may ask?? Welllllll there's a sweet spot that just opened up and I just HAVE to try it!!

As I landed near the main building I heard twigs and leaves rustling behind me; I turned around to find a rather angry Karma. He threw a twig at me as I dodged.

"You will NEVER use me like an object again you hear me??" She glared as he held a serous tone.
"Hehe sorry Karma it had to be done! No hard feelings?" I stood in front of him with my arms opened wide. He raised a brow and gave me a 'are you serious' type of look.
"Hug it out!!" I grinned.

He sighed and gave in; giving me a hug. I smiled as he did but not a second later he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder!?

I wrapped my arms around his waist so I wouldn't die!! "Karma!!!! Put me down!!!"
"Nope we are going to that sweet spot like planned!" He held tightly; his hand landed on my butt!!
"Karma!!!!" I yelled
He gave his devilish grin and kept walking.

-Back at the school-

Karasuma and Koro-sensei was walking down the halls to the staff room.

"Ne isn't it fun being the target~" sensei said with an amused tone
"Absolutely not!" Karasuma gave an annoyed glance at the octopus.
"What if neither me nor {y/n} don't get caught?"
"Then I'll you both one FULL second without me moving" he smiled.
"Heh fine by me; but letting you know {y/n} is know to strike a target 10 times in less than a second and that include me as well~" Karasuma gave an triumph smile. Koro-sensei gave him a nervous glance as they walked into the office.

-time skip-

Karasuma, Irina and Koro-Sensei was in the teachers office doing what they always do. Irina was trying to figure out how to get Karasuma since it was hard to attack someone who knew your tactics. A few minutes had passed; it was quiet until Lovro barged into the room ready to strike Karasuma. Irina and Koro-sensei was shocked that he would attack someone who wasn't his target -but Karasuma was able to evade his strike; grabbing his wrist and slamming it against the table as the knife few out of his had, this became a shock to him as Karasuma knee was a few centimeter away from his face.

"You May be skilled, but you seem to overestimate your ability as an retired assassin to try and kill someone fresh from the special force" Karasuma glares as he went to pick up the knife.
"He's tough!" Lovro thought
"Even he couldn't even kill him?! Do I even stand a chance!?" Irina thought to her self.
"You know you understand that if you can't kill me by the end of today..."

Both Irina and the octopus shook in fear.
"Why your scared!?" She asked
"Please Irina-sensei!! You can't lose I'm voting for you!!" He gave a nervous glance at her.
"I am able to strike 5 times per second...not to mention {y/n} skills. I'll enjoy seeing you later today~" Karasuma said with an amused evil grin as he walked out.

Koro-sensei began to give a nervous sweat as did Irina. Lovro just stood there dumb founded. "Why are you attacking him!? He isn't your target!" Irina yelled. She didn't want him to steal her target! It'll ruin her plan to prove to him she IS a great assassin.
"Tch my target left after this morning"

Just then Karasuma popped his head in. "You say what?! She isn't in class!?" He held the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he left again to call her.

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