chapter 38

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"Good morning sweetie." I walked into the kitchen. I would swear that was the only place i ever went to.

Malia-" Hey am.. nathan ?" He just looked at me. Does he occasionaly loose hes speech or something ?

Malia-" Well.. summers ending i kind of need to go to school ? I missed a tone." He looked at me wide eyed and shook hes head.

Malia-" Okay listen. Im not asking you. Im telling you. I cant be stuck here forever alright ! " Looks like im still me after me. Andrew froze. He gave me the 'dont talk to your alpha like that' look. I didnt care.

Nathan-" Fine. We'll go to school."

Malia-" Good.. wait what ? We ?" He nodded. Oh great. I had to be stuck in school with him too ?! Great. Yea im 19 but i missed a crap load of work so im staying in school. Well actually not like im gonna do anything.. 

Malia-" What school are we going to ?"

Nathan-" Our private school."

Malia-" Great. Im gonna be stuck with bitches who are rich and stuck up theyr own hole thinking everyone loves them."

Nathan-" We start monday." Oh atleased i still have a week.

E-" Im going to be in the school right next to ye !" Well atleased she will brighten up my day. As usual i spend the day with the little one outside. She was running around the garden. Nathan and Andrew appeared after awhile too. Busy with the alpha stuff. Uh boring ! They stood so still and big. Jeez like.

E-" Mommy !" I looked around to see who it was but only realised she ran at me and jumped into my arms. She.. she called I looked shocked at her. So did Nathan and Andrew.

E-" You dont mind if i call you that right ?" She looked down quite upset in her sweet little voice.

Malia-" Of course not baby girl." I gave her a hug. She continued running. Nathan and Andrew came to either side of me.

Malia-" Guess your my son now huh ?" I nudged andrew playfully.

Andrew-" Your hilarious. Shes very fond of you." I smiled. Imagine them tumblr children with long curly black hair and big blue eyes. She looked exactly like one of them ! I cant even explain how adorable she was.

E-" Can we go back to school shopping please ?" I looked at Nathan. He just nodded. I got Evelynn dressed and put her into the range rover. I wore red high waisted pants and black tank top with my leather jacket. We didnt go the normal mall everyone shopped in. Nathan didnt want to risk anyone from my old pack seeing us. I held Evelynns hand as we walked around.

I got her some new clothes and school supplies. She picked out a pink floral backpack. I just got a black leather one. We got weird looks from people as they thought Evelynn was our actual child. Especially when they heard her call me mom. I didnt care.

Monday came fast ! Of course im not suprised school always came at me faster than ever. I took a quick shower and  dried my hair. I put on black high waisted pants, red muscle tee and black vans. My usual make up and natural wavy hair. I found Nathan and Evelynn all ready downstairs. I grabbed my red penny board before walking out. We dropped her off in school and parked the car. I put on my shades and walked into the school with Nathan by my side. Everyone stared at us. No joke i felt natural. I missed this attention so much ! Everyone was a werewolf here ?

Malia-" How come everyone is a werewolf ?"

Nathan-" Its a werewolf school." Oh my gosh that really did exist. We got our schedual and locker combination. Thank god atleased hes locker wasent next to mine. It was down the hall.

"Hey sexy. Your the new girl huh ?" A guy showed up beside my locker. I took off my raybans and smirked at him.

"My names alex. And you are ?"

"Shes my mate." Nathan slid hes arm around my waist. I rolled my eyes. I wonder did they know i was the luna. He backed away.

Malia-" Is your first class with me ?"

Nathan-" Hhmm. No. You have history i have math. See you later." Well he was suprisingly too chilled out about that. I skated around with my penny board and eventually i found my class.

"You must be miss. Malia robertson ? Do you want to explain why your late ?"

Malia-" Hhmm.. no not really." I rolled my eyes and sat down at the back of the class. The class ended and i skated through the halls. I skated right into the class room and already got the next teacher to hate me.

"Miss. Robertson why are you skating into the classroom ?"

Malia-" Because its fun ?"

"Do you not know your not aloud to skate in the school ?"

Malia-" Do i look like a care ?" Everyone did whole 'uuhh' thing.

"Sit down." I turned around to walk to the back only to realise Nathan is there too. He gave me a dead eye. Yay.

We went to lunch together earning stares from everyone. Nathan already made some minions. I went into the line for food. When someone bumped into me.

"Watch your step you little slut." I turned around to face who said that. With a full blown smirk across my face.

Malia-" What did you say ?" She was a bleached blonde, with fake eye brows, fake eyelashes, fake boobs. Oh cant forget the fake personality.

"You heard me bitch."

Malia-" Listen you little fake barbie. Try insult me one more time and i will rip your troath out. Like i did to the other girl who didnt respect me." Everyone was quite and clearly heard everything i said. She rolled her eyes and started walking away.

Malia-" Yea keep rolling your eyes you might find a good attitude back there !" I shouted after her. I felt someone presence behind me. Big angry wolf.

Nathan-" What was that about ?"

Malia-" She annoyed me. Im not nice to annoying people. Now move out the way i want to eat my food." He went after me and sat beside me. Watched me eat.

Malia-" Okay look im sorry i was mean to you." He continued staring. I signed.

Malia-" I .. am.. I actually do like you.." Smirk came across hes face.

Nathan-" I knew it." He winked. I couldnt help but laugh.

Guess what time is it ?

Gym time !!! Yay!

-note the sarcasm.

Bad girl. Good boy-Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now