Chapter Six: Uncontrollable Temptations

Start from the beginning

"I know.", she said, "I've been to Yosemite."

"Yosemite?", he asked.

"It's a National park in the U.S.", she told him, "I'm sorry. I keep forgetting you live a different lifestyle. If you like being cut of from the rest of the world, I guess there are common paces in the U.S. you wouldn't know about."

"That's okay.", he replied smiling smiling, "Knowledge is always a good thing. Well, we've been in here for awhile. We should probably start heading back."

Constantine stood up, and extended his hand. As Elisabeth took it, he pulled her up to him. Their faces came in close proximity, and both were tempted to kiss. Realizing that it would have been a bad idea, Elisabeth quickly turned away.

"I guess we should get dressed.", she said. Being near him made her sexually aroused, but she was too vulnerable. Josh was the only man she had ever been with, sexually. She had always promised herself that she would never give into temptation, unless she was in love. Yes, she was extremely infatuated with him. However that was not the same as being in love.

As she started to turn away from him, he grabbed her wrist. He then pulled her back to him. Their eyes locked in a wanting gaze. Before she knew it, his lips had smashed int hers. She then felt his tongue slip into her mouth. It was just kissing, right? Surely that was okay. She wrapped her arms around his waste, and he gently place his hands on her cheeks. She found it exhilarating, but she was determined not to go any farther. However, that's when his right hand slid down to her breast. With that she quickly pulled away.

"Wait.", she told him, "I'm sorry, but I'm just not ready. I'm still in pain over Josh, and I always said I would have to love the person. I can't do this." She was expecting him to release her, but he didn't. He just stared at her intensely. He then scooped her up, carried her to the blanket, and gently laid her down. He then got on top of her. The hunger, in his eyes, was making her nervous.

"I'm sorry, but I can't.", she said frail tone. He just looked her, and shook his head.

"Spread your legs open for me.", he demanded in a soft seductive tone.

"What?', she asked in confusion.

"Spread your legs open for me.", he demanded again.

"I can't, I'm not ready.", she cried, "I'm scared."

"Don't be scared.", he replied, "Spread your legs open. I want to feel how wet you are."

"Please, I don't..", she began, but he interrupted.

"You want me to fuck you! Don't you?", he whispered as he looked at her intensely.

"No!", she cried. She now felt completely helpless, trapped, and unable to get away. Not because he was holding her in tight grip. It was if her own soul was lost in his beautiful blue eyes. The were hypnotic, and could control her own will.

"Right now you are telling me that you don't want to.", he said, "But, I'm right on top of you. I know you Elisabeth, better than you think. You do want to make love. You just don't think you should want to, but deep down, you know you do. You are too strong willed, you aren't physically fighting back. Show me that you really don't want me. Go on, strike me in some way. Fight back. If you didn't want me, you'd be fighting me like hell. You're vulnerable, but not because of me. You're vulnerable because of your own sexual desires."

"I'm scared.", she said again, "Please don't hurt me." Tears began to well up in her eyes. He stared at her with compassion, he then softly rubbed her cheeks.

"Never, Elisabeth!", he exclaimed, I promise I will never hurt you! I haven't wanted anyone since my Elsbeth died, not until now. I want you Elisabeth. You are an extraordinary woman, just like she was. Show me how much you really want me. Spread you legs open, Elisabeth. Let's see how wet you really are. Do you want me to fuck you?" She had the same fearful look upon her face, but she could not resist he relentless pursuit. She then nodded.

"Yes.", she whispered, as she closed her eyes.

"Spread your legs open fo me Elisabeth.", he demand once more, but stuck in a seductive tone. With that, she complied. he then took his fingers, and delicately stroked her opening slit. As he did she started to let out pleasurable sighs. he then gently move his fingers inside of her. With that he began to tease her clit. Soon she began to moan. He was also enjoying the experience, it had been so long for him.

"Oh my God, Elisabeth.", he whispered loudly, "You are so wet. Oh God, it feels so good touch a woman this way again. You're not only wet, but you're wet for me. You feel unbelievable." She just began to moan even more. He looked at her with lust in his eyes. He enjoyed watching her beautiful naked body writhe in pleasure. Pleasure that he himself was giving her. Finally her body couldn't take it anymore. She arched her back, opened her eyes, and let out the loudest orgasmic scream she ever had.

When she finished, she sat up and looked at him. She was breathing heavy, and she felt like a wild animal. With a lustful smile, he licked his fingers. Elisabeth immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, and smashed her lips into his. To his delight, she took control. She was now the aggressive predator, and he was the helpless prey.

Elisabeth pushed him down, and began kissing his neck. Her kisses were passionate, and ravenous. She then began to make her way down his body. Where was she going? Then she did something to him, that no other woman had ever dome to him. To his shock, and delight, he felt her mouth around his member. He had never been orally pleasured, until now. Constantine was now the one moaning in ecstasy. Whatever she was doing, it was amazing. Right when he was about to come to full completion, he stopped her.

"No.', he demanded, "I will not sully your pretty mouth like that." He then rolled her on her back. He spread her legs, grabbed her thighs, and immediately thrust him self inside of her. For a woman that wasn't a virgin, she was still very tight. But he knew, that there had been only one other before him. With every thrust, they verbally expressed their mutual pleasure. Her moaning grew louder, and Constantine was more than pleased.

"Almost there!", he cried, "My god, Elisabeth! You are so fucking tight!!". With that he began growling with ecstasy, while her body's aching pleasure almost couldn't take much more. Then at the same time, they both reached their orgasmic crescendo. She felt his warm seaman enter her body, as of them let out a verbal pleasurable response. He then collapsed one her. The two of them, were now both covered in sweat. She lovingly wrapped her arms around him.

Thank God I'm on the pill.", she thought. He lifted his head, but stayed on top of her. They gave one another a caring smile, as he gently stroked her face. This was the happiest he felt in a long time. As he looked at her, there was only one thought in his mind.

"My beautiful Elsbeth, has finally returned to me."


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