Comrade (Pearl) [Part I]

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Pearl wasn't sure what to think of their newest member - she would rather they keep their little rebellion limited to just the two of them. Though, she supposed having a larger group would make them more of a threat in Homeworld's eyes. It would be unexpected to them to face a cross-gem fusion like Garnet - with the power of a ruby and the grace and speed of a sapphire. A cross-gem fusion, a "mere" soldier, and a rouge servant. This could work, she thought to herself as she pushed through the vegetation.

The attack on the sky arena could have gone horribly wrong according to Garnet: the rebellion was supposed to end when she destroyed Sapphire's physical form. Yet, Ruby had managed to change that... Or maybe Sapphire had said something, just a little thing, and thrown everything off.

"Rose?" she asked, keeping her voice quiet, watching as their leader turned around. "May I speak to you? Alone."

Rose glanced at Garnet for a moment. "Of course." She walked over to the fusion, tapping her shoulder lightly.

Garnet jumped - Pearl did too, not expecting that - whirling around to face her, her arms in front of her body in a defensive position. Her hands were curled into fists, yet Rose was unfazed by this, her dark eyes glittering with amusement. Her tricolor eyes focused on the large quartz in front of her, standing there with a small smile on her face. The gem slowly lowered her arms to her side, unclenching her fists. Then, before she could open her mouth to speak, the fusion's arms rose up to form a salute.

(Was it the Ruby in her that was reacting that way?)

Rose quickly reached up to grab her arms, pushing them down with a bit more force then necessary. "Please, don't."

Garnet stood there for a second, then she muttered, "My apologizes."

"It's fine," she replied, shaking her head.

The fusion's third eye, located on the gem's forehead, opened. The eye flashed different colors, drifting left, right, left, up, down, right, before finally she closed it again. "I can't see," she commented with a frown, pointing to her eye.

"The future?"

Garnet nodded.

"It's fine," Rose repeated, her voice calm. "And... Garnet?"

The fusion said nothing, but she nodded slightly.

"Pearl and I are going to have a little chat, if you don't mind," she told her. Garnet frowned. "If you need anything, we'll be over there-" She pointed to a small hill, and Pearl frowned. "-alright?"

I wonder... Does she know what I'm going to ask her?

Garnet nodded.

Rose gently grabbed Pearl's hand, leading her away. Pearl felt her face heating up at the physical contact; even something as simple as this, something with little romantic intentions, from the gem that she had - does - worship as some type of godly being, made her embarrassed.

As they walked away, Pearl commented, "That took longer than expected..." The duo pushed their way through a sea of tall grass that reached to her shoulders, and she drew her sword from its scabbard. Slicing down the blades of dry grass, she created a path to the hill.

Pearl turned around when she and Rose walked over the top of the hill.

"Well?" Rose questioned, leaning against a tall tree, her mass of pink hair smushed flat.

"What are we going to do about Garnet?" she bluntly asked, waving a hand in the direction they came from.

The pink gem tilted her head. "Pardon?"

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