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Leader Oakstar Muscular brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

Deputy Beetail Lithe, small dark brown striped tabby tom with amber eyes

Medicine Cat(s) Cloudberry Long furred white she-cat with pale blue eyes

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Frecklewish Speckled golden furred she-cat with dark amber eyes

Deerdapple Small silver she-cat with black tabby stripes along her spin and a white belly with amber eyes
Apprentice: Nettlepaw

Bloomheart Small short furred gray tom with a white chest and muzzle with blue eyes

Seedpelt Light brown tom with white paws and a white striped tail with dark green eyes

Thrushtalon Large muscular black tabby tom with one white paw and sharp yellow eyes
Apprentice: Rookpaw

Doefeather Tall creamy brown she-cat with a white chest, muzzle, and paws and amber eyes

Sweetbriar Tall light brown tabby she-cat with white paws and green eyes

Mumblefoot Long furred dark brown tom with a black striped tail and dark amber eyes
Apprentice: Flamepaw

Larksong Ragged dark furred tortoiseshell she-cat pale green eyes

Hollypelt Lithe small black tabby she-cat with dark green eyes

Rainfur Ginger she-cat with white speckles on her pelt and amber eyes

Fallowsong Small short furred pale brown tabby she-cat with dark green eyes

Rattlesong Short thick-furred dark brown tabby she-cat with a dark muzzle and dark green eyes

Sparrowflutter Small sleek furred lithe dark brown tabby she-cat with ginger patches and dark green eyes
Apprentice: Walnutpaw

Horizonleap Tall pale orange tom with a white belly and white striped tail and hazy blue eyes

Scarletmask Dark ginger she-cat with a stubbed tail and dark green eyes

Sorreldawn Long-legged she-cat with calico fur and amber eyes

Slatenose Large muscular tom with glossy gray tabby fur and dark green eyes

Scorchbee Gray smoky tortoiseshell she-cat with hazel eyes
Apprentice: Littlepaw

Webripple Short tortoiseshell tom with one white paw and light blue eyes

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