A Surfer's Dream

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An old lady sits on a starry beach, her face lit up by the fire's glow. "It all started many years ago. We were so young and foolish back then. Your grandfather and I would sit in this exact spot on the beach every night and gaze up at the stars until our parents called us home. I remember he would sweep me off of my feet and we would dance to our heart's content. He truly was a hopeless romantic."

"I wish I could find that kind of romance Grandma." an adolescent girl speaks as her hair waves gently in the breeze.

"It wasn't all great girly. Your grandfather and I split up once because of my love for the ocean. But you want to hear about some old lady's break up form the olden days."

"Don't say that grandma, of course, my lovesick, boy-crazy sister wants to hear about the tea." Karsilian the girl's brother grumbles.

"I'm not boy-crazy! You're so-"

"Now now children lets just listen to your dear old Grand-mama. Now as you know it was a long time ago, at the ripe age of 17 I was going for my daily dawn surf. Everything was too quiet. It was like the sea halted with bated breath. But as I turned to leave, I saw it. The perfect wave, though, something didn't feel quite right. I'm still torn between thinking that unforgettable moment was the best thing to happen to me because there was a predator lurking in shadow. I was knocked off my board and whisked too close to the rocks. My foot was caught between two of them. I'll be honest with you kids I should have died but, something, well someone saved me."

"Was it Grandfather? That's so romantic!" Kylee adores.

"No no, it wasn't your grandfather, it was a man with seafoam eyes and darker hair. He was a merman called Karsiliar, its where you and your father got your names-"

Karsilian cuts his grandma off, "Mermen don't exist grandma you must have hit your head on the rocks."

"That is exactly what my friends and family said. They banned me from the ocean thinking I was a danger t myself out there. That's why I broke up with him if he loved me he should have believed me. I saw Karsiliar almost every night in the weeks following my accident. We became the best of friends but one day we had to part. Karsiliar's father, the king of Atlantis had found out about our bond and for my own protection, we had to say our goodbyes. We were reluctant, we would miss all of the fun in the ocean. After some time your grandfather and I got back together and the rest is history."

"Did you love the merman, Grandma?" Kylee asked.

"Of course, but we both knew it could never work. If you love someone you must let them go if that is what's best for both of you."


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