But it was too late.

Before they were entirely aware of what was going on, two legions of soldiers in identical white armors appeared out of nowhere, marching in from either side of the passageway. They were trapped between the walls.

"We've got company," Tony seethed, his helmet shutting over his face.

"Thanks, I noticed," she scoffed, getting into a fighting stance.

"Hey, you're the one that jinxed it."

"Tony, spare me the sarcasm please. We're getting attacked!"

And with that, she dodged the laser beam one of the soldiers shot at her. She threw her spear, barely grazing the armour of the attacker. Behind her, Tony was doing his best to stop those coming from the other side. The two legions were closing in on them, they were massively outnumbered.

The Harpy ducked down to avoid the blow of a soldier while sending a forceful kick that propelled two of them to the ground. A shot of blaster landed on the side of her leg making her scream. Meanwhile, Tony was getting smacked down from all sides. A group of soldiers had encircled him, neutralising his boosters.

Angie watched, horrified, as they ripped the helmet off of his head and pointed some sort of pistol at his neck. A second later, Tony was knocked out cold from whatever they had injected in him.

Angie couldn't speak or move anymore. Her leg felt like it was on fire where the blaster had hit and a pool of blood was forming on the ground. She couldn't even duck when one of the soldier pointed the same pistol at her neck. It was like a cold, icy liquid injected into her veins, flowing through her body. The next thing she knew, everything around was fading to black...

"Angie... Angie!"

The Harpy opened her eyes with difficulty. The voice calling out her name felt distant and resonant against the throbbing of her temple. She flinched at the person standing over her, until she realised it was Tony, still in his Iron Man suit. She immediately regretted the sudden movement and a low moan escaped her lips as she brought a hand to her aching skull.

"You okay? Feels like a jackhammer against your head, doesn't it?"

He helped her get into a sitting position as everything around slowly came back into focus. She managed to get a good look at their surroundings. They were still on the spaceship, between the four walls of an empty dark cell, only lit by white fluorescent lights. It didn't take a genius to tell that the only door out was locked.

"Wh-what did they do to us?" she croaked out.

"I don't know, but we were knocked out for a few hours."

He pointed at the ceiling and Angie's gaze followed until she spotted the small rectangular window above the heads. The sky was pitch black, dotted with white. She could distinctly remember it being the middle of the day when they had infiltrated the ship.

"My God..." Tony trailed off, rubbing his eyes tiredly "What the hell happened?"

"We got our asses kicked that's what."

"They have a full blown army, I was not expecting that."

"I just... I don't understand why we're still alive."

He frowned "What do you mean?"

"Why did they take us prisoners? Wouldn't it be simpler to kill us on the spot?"

"You're going to jinx it again."

She rolled her eyes "I'm serious Tony. Don't you find it odd?"

"To be honest," he huffed, leaning against the wall to get back on his feet "The one thing I find truly weird is that they'd give you back your spear."

Angie blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't hearing things. She looked around until her eyes settled on a corner of the room where the silver shaft of her beloved weapon was flickering dimly.

Angie's mouth hung agape as she went to retrieve it. This wasn't normal. Why on earth hadn't they taken her spear away?!

Over on the other side of the spaceship, the Hellhound stood silently observing the screens of the control room. The two prisoners were clearly unaware of the surveillance cameras in the cell.

"My General... is it her?"

He shuddered a little, Polak's presence bringing him out of his trance. He hadn't even heard him walk in.

The Second-in-Command stood, ogling his superior curiously. Of all the years he had been under his orders, Rodren Polak had never seen the Hellhound so distraught. He glanced at the live surveillance footage and quickly brought his gaze back to the General.

"Yes, it is her," the Hellhound finally answered in a breath. Polak's furrowed brows made him wipe all emotions from his face and pull back his usually stern expression.

"Find whoever shot that blaster at her and bring them to me."

Polak gulped down the lump in his throat. They had clear orders to make sure no harm came that woman's way. One of the soldiers had fired a blaster beam during the brawl, injuring her. Whoever that soldier was, they were not coming back from here alive.

"What about the other prisoner, my General?"

The Hellhound shot another glance at the screen, disdain was written all over his face as his eyes landed on the man in the footage.

"Keep him alive for now. We'll dispose of him when the time is right."


Sooo you don't know how excited I am for you to read Phase 4. It also happens to be the last Phase of this story which is making me kinda sad because the book is almost over :(

Aaanyway thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed and please don't forget to vote and comment!


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