I knew he was waiting for Zach, desperate for him to shove the door open and get us out of here, back into the moonlight so we could feel strong again. I never realised until now how difficult it was to be human, how weak they are.

"Hey," he greeted as I arose from my slumber for the millionth time, his hand was cradling my own and I couldn't help but notice his shirtless chest.

"How long have we been down here?" I grumbled, shuffling my position to rest my chin on his chest. His arm draped around me loosely while his other hand held mine tightly.

"A few days I would guess," he replied.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked him, feeling guilty for having his shirt wrapped around my side. Small goosebumps littered his skin and the hairs on his arms stood on end.

"I'm fine," he lied smoothly. "How do you feel?" I decided to ignore his lie and the change of subject and forced a smile onto my face.

"I'm ok. I miss him," I admitted. "He hasn't ever left my side since I met him." I laughed lightly, knowing he would be worried out of his mind.

"I can imagine." Liam laughed. "He will be doing anything he can to find you."

"Yeah, I know. I just hope he gets here before you freeze to death or I bleed out." I laughed with him before it slowly bled out into silent panic.


Zach's POV

"I can't Ryder!" I yelled, slamming my fist into the nearest tree, successfully denting it. Ryder stood in his usual relaxed stance, leaning against a tree with an unimpressed frown on his lips.

"Then we will just give up and go home." He shrugged, pushing away and turning to the others. "We are going home guys," he told them.

In seconds I had him pinned against the tree with my claws pressing into the skin on his neck. "I'm not leaving them!" I roared. "I'm not leaving her."

I expected Ryder to shout or argue but he simply laughed and brushed me off him. "Why is it when you miss Ella, I am the one who gets the brunt of your anger?"

"Because you deliberately piss me off and she isn't here to protect you," I growled. "Now how the hell are we going to find her because I am not stopping until I get her back."

"Then try again," he ordered and I snarled under my breath at his authoritative tone.

"It isn't working Ry. Are you sure its even a thing?" Blake asked joining the two of us while the girls scouted the area for a scent.

"Yes! Trust me it will work. My mom always said that any wolf can find their mate as long as they still loved each other so unless she has fallen in love with your brother in the last couple of days, it will work," he snapped and my fists clenched.

I was so desperate for Ella to be back in my arms I was completely and utterly restless. She was the only person who could calm me down and my heart thundered every time I replayed my conversation with Liam.

She was injured and human. She would die if I didn't get to her. I would lose the love of my life if I didn't hurry and we were messing about with a theory Ryder had remembered from his mother when he was about 7.

"Fine." I huffed. "One more time and if it doesn't work we are giving this up and we will track them down the normal way."

"Ok," he agreed while I crouched onto the ground and initiated the change so my wolf stood the size of a bear, large and bulky over the humans. "Just think about Ella, forget everything else and focus on her." Ryder instructed.

I grumbled my wolfs version of 'I always think about Ella' but he sent me a deadpan look and went silent so I could think about her.

I thought about how beautiful she was to start with. How much I loved to run my fingers through her long dark waves. How her eyes lit up when I kissed her. How soft her lips were and how perfect her hourglass body was.

Then I thought about the feel of those lips on mine, warm and soft with a sweet taste filling my mouth. The feeling of her small body enveloped in mine at night with the bed sheets tangled around our joined bodies. How right it felt when she was in my arms or her tiny hand was enclosed in mine.

And then, when I still couldn't pick up on her scent, I thought about how my heart always skipped a beat when she entered a room, or how it sped up when I saw her gorgeous smile. I thought about how I broke when she was upset or in danger and I thought about how I loved her eyes, her smile, her laugh, her kisses. I loved her with my whole heart and it felt as though it would burst from pure relief when I finally picked up on her sweet scent.

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