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-home ec-
This is my last class of the day. I walk in and of corse Graysons there. I sit in the back and Grayson sits one desk away.Taryn sits next to me and Mrs. Stephens walks in. "Moring class today we will be doing the Baby Project. Now i know its early but we will be picking our partners for the rest of the year so here they are: James and Emma. Courtney and Darick. Grayson and Cheyenne. Taryn and Brendon. Kallie and Alexander..." She goes on. WHY AM I PARTNERS WITH GRAYSON!?!? OUTTA ALL PPL!!!! I tried to keep my cool but Taryn knows. "Its ok. I know you like him. Just go with it. Ok?"
"Ugh! Fine.." I slouched (is that even a word idk i say it) back in my chair. Grayson took Taryns spot. "Ok. So our 'baby' is a girl. Names?" I just stay silent. "Ohhhkkkaaayyyy. Are you gonna talk?" Once again i was silent. "Chye. Im sorry. I told you now can we please work? Ill do anything..."
"Anything?" I repeat smerking.
"Yes. Anything" he winks.
"Fine. Come to my house tonight. Ya know for the kid." I wink
"Ok. Names?"
"Ok... But why?"
"My mom was gonna have a first girl but she died.. She was gonna name it Emma. I just always love that name.."
"Ok. Emma it is." He wrote it down on the paper. "Middle name?"
"Ok. Dolan or Ruff?"
"Ok. Emma Anne Dolan."
"Yep. I love it."
"Taryn?! Whats yours?"
"A girl. Her name is Raleigh Boyd Urie."
"Whats yours?"
"Girl. Emma Anne Dolan"
"I love that... Mines better tho..."
"Shut up." We laughed and had fun. U never thought i would be hanging out with Grayson Dolan and Brendon Urie.

Bullies//Cole.Brendon.Grayson.Alan.Where stories live. Discover now