19: The first clue

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Antis POV

"Fuck." Was my first thought. Couldn't feel anything, couldn't move, and couldn't see. I knew I was lying on a ground, as I could feel the cold steel against my back. My bare back. That was another thing I knew, I was naked. I had no memory of the past twenty four hours. If it has even been twenty four hours. There was a possibility that he raped me, or that he just whipped my bare body. I'd like to think the latter is what happened. I shivered as a gust of cool air blew towards me. Along with the sound of a door creaking. "Hello Antisepticeye. How is my little slave doing?"

I growled and thrashed in the chains. "Let me go." I tried to say, but my voice came out in a tiny squeak, only the word me actually coming out. The person in front of me laughed, it was a laugh I recognized. But when I thought about it, two people came to mind. "Aw, the little slave can't talk. I heard the footsteps walk behind me and grip my wrist. "I had fun last night. Do you remember it?" I slowly shook my head and gasped when a felt lips touch mine. Foreign lips. "You should Now." The chains slipped off and I was roughly grabbed by the hair. "Put on some clothes. Then I'll come and feed you in an hour or so.

The blindfold around my eyes ended up being underwear. My underwear. "You're a creep." Once again, only one word came out, which was creep.  "Oh I know baby." With that he turned around and left me. I struggled to stand and when I did I felt this horrible pain in my backside. I collapsed to the ground with a small cry. "Anti?" I looked up and saw someone else in the room. They were huddled up in the corner. Black chains around their wrist and ankles. "Hello?" I weakly called out. The little person turned away and then threw me some clothes. "There's no underwear, that's all there is I'm sorry."

I looked at the clothes the kid, who sounded to be a boy had tossed me. "Thank you." I heard a small hum before the kid turned away. I painfully out the clothes on, which rubbed against my skin causing rashes. I sighed before I pulled myself to my knees. "Hey." I whispered. I heard some shuffling before the kid spoke. "Hi..." I slightly smiled and crawled over to the kid. "I-...Anti." I mentally faceplamed at my inability to speak. But it made the kid laugh slightly. "I know, he wouldn't stop talking about you." I frowned and looked back at the door. "Who...he?" The kid shrugged, I think, "I don't know, everyone I've met here has been calling him "He"." I nodded slowly. I wonder how many people are here. "What's your na-me?" The kid buried his face in his hands.

"Max." I smiled and held my hand out. He shakily held his out as well and shook mine. "How many people are here." I man aged to get a whole sentence out with a few stutters this time. "Quite a few. He takes anyone who has a possible relationship with his queen. Whether it be friendship or a crush." I nodded as Max spoke. "What are you doing?!" I turned back to the door and saw a man in all black with an angry look. "I told you not to talk to our prisoners!" He walked over and yanked Max up by the hair. Now I got a good view of Max. He had scruffy black hair that draped slightly over his left eye. His eyes were a dark green that complimented his pale skin.

"I'm sorry sir." He whimpered. "You won't do it again right!" Max shook his head as tears started to fall. I felt my heart hurt for this kid as he was thrown to the floor when the guard stormed out. 

Darks POV

"Any leads?" Google shook his head. "Last time I was able to track where Bing was. Now it seems like something, or someone, is keeping me out." I sighed running my fingers through my hair. "You think they're still in this state?" Robbie asked. Hazel was asleep on his shoulder. "It is possible that they left the state. I can't travk anything outside of state." Google stopped seeming to realize what he said before his shoulders slumped. "Guys!" I flinched as Bim yelled. He ran up the stairs holding a brown envelope in his hand. "Is there an address on it?" Marvin's asked. "Other than ours, no." Bim shook his head as he caught his breath. I took the envelope and quickly opened it.

"Dearest egos,

I'll reasure you that your precious loves are alive. I will not say whether they are okay or not though. I've been having a grand old time with them. Who knew that screaming actually had a nice tone to it. Also, I didn't know Chase was depressed. You never know the things people admit when they're strapped to a table. Speaking of Chase, he's been such a good boy, maybe I'll give him a "treat" if you know what i mean. Now unlike Chase, Jackieboy has been quite hostile, while according to Bim, is not like him. I swear, who wouldn't want to be drug out of a room by their ankles. I've got a nice bruise on my right cheek from where your little bitch Bing punched me. I don't think he likes the name Bingy. I tried calling him that and you see where that got me. I did learn that those three have all tried to commit suicide. I'd love to know how, and why. But they won't tell me. As for Anti, I just got him so i haven't really done anything to him...OTHER, than what happened last night. I'll just say, "I beat ya Dark!" Anyways you're probs wondering why I decided to write. Well, it's a clue, I'm getting sort of bored and I'm ready for some action. You'll have to find the first clue though, to find it, you'll have to go back to your highschool days. 

That's all for now! Toodles!"

I didn't even notice I was crying until I finished reading. I handed it to Google and let all the egos read it before addressing it. I opened my mouth to speak but found that no words came out. "He raped them..." Schneep, was the first one to speak. He raped Anti. I made a promise to him that we wouldn't have sex until he was ready, and that man just forced himself onto him, onto my Anti! I growled and punched the table, which was glass and shattered. "Father?" I looked up at Hazel. My baby girl is still here. I walked over to her and brought her into a hug. "Dark." I looked back at Wilford who held the note with a glare on his face. 

"I think it's time to go back to school."

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