12: Heartbreak

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Darks POV

Our family is falling apart. All of us(that weren't injured and in the hospital) sat at the table at the Ego House. Anti and I had brought Hazel along with us. It took a awhile to get the other egos to finally show themselves to her. But she'd excepted them like she did us. "Obviously, someone knows where we live, who we live with, and how to target us." Google said in a very monotone voice.

"Hey could be in this house right now." Robbie muttered frightened. "I don't get it, why would someone want to kill you guys? And who is this queen they speak of?" Hazel said. She was sat between Anti and me. Anti had been silent the whole time, which worried me. "They're trying to break us." Marvin said. I glanced at him sadly. He was sleep deprived, too worried about Chase to do anything. 

"It's scary, but I don't know what we're going to do..." Bim said. "We need to find them and kill them!" Yandere yelled cracking her knuckles. "No...no killing." I sighed. "Obviously, no one can be alone. We need to be with someone at all times." Google pointed out. I nodded slowly. "Hazel will stay with me and Anti. Schneep and Edward will stay together. Robbie can stay with Host." I saw Robbie glance at Host who shot me a glare. Sorry Host... "google and Bim will stick together, Yandere can take care of the Jim's. JJ-"

"He's stayin with me." Wilford cut me off. I was gonna say he was with Wilford but I guess he beat me to it. "Right, you're with Wilford. Anyone I miss?" They all shook their heads. "What about the others." Anti spike for the first time that evening. "Chase, Jackieboy-man, And Bing. Who's to say whoever's doing this won't try to finish them off?" I saw Marvin stiffen. "I'll stay...I can stay at the hospital and keep watch." I comoellty forgot that Marvin was there, he'd been so quiet.

"I'm scared..." Hazel muttered. "It'll be alright Hazel. Don't worry." Robbie gave her a smile. The father in me would have whooped his butt, but right now wasn't the moment. "Alright, dismisses." I muttered. Everyone slowly got up from the table. Instantly finding their partner and walking out. Robbie whispered something to Host before walking over to Hazel. He gave me a quick smile before crouching down in front of her. Only then did I realize she was crying.

"Hazel look at me. We're gonna be fine. Well put this person, or people, in their place. If your scared they'll hurt you, don't be. We won't let them get to you." I heard her sniff before hugging him. I slightly smiled and tapped Antis shoulder. HE looked up and smiled as well. "Alright you love birds, we gotta get home." Anti said standing up.

Robbie turned pale before quickly standing up and walking away. Hazel turned to us with a bright red face. "How could you? That was just cruel." For the first time in forever, we laughed. On our way out, Hazel stood in the middle of me and Anti: I felt her wrap her hand around mine and saw her do the same to Anti. "I love you guys." I smiled and looked at Anti. He had a huge grin. 


"ANTI!" I laughed chasing him around my houses. He had my phone in one hand and my homework in his other hand. "Pick one, fail your class, or lose your phone." I growled light at him. He laughed glitching away. "I know my mom said to practice our powers! But this isn't what she meant." Anti appeared behind me laughing. I turned to him and smiled. His smile that I loved to see. 

The smile that didn't say "I'm getting abused by my parents" he smile that didn't say "I want to die." The smile that didn't say. "My parents might actually kill me." And the smile that didn't say. "I'm slowly destroying myself." I loved that smile. The genuine one. He one that held no secrets. Where he looked happy. "Anti, I love you." He was caught of guard. "What?" He dropped my paper, and my phone hung lowly in his hand.

I walked up to him and cupped his face in my hands. "I love you. I never want to lose you." He blushed dropping my phone, but I didn't care. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back, our lips moving in sync as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled away for breath and wrested my forehead on his. "Anti. Don't ever give up. Even when your scared, I'll always be there."


I smiled at the memory. "Father you aren't thinking of fucking dad again are you?" My face went bright pink and Anti burst into laughter. "N-no. I was not thinking of that." Hazel smirked. "Really, cause you were staring at him and got a huge boner while doing it". I looked down and saw my problem. "Well, just the sight of him can do that." Hazel gagged while Anti and I kept laughing. "We're you really thinking of that?" Anti asked.

I shook my head. "No, I was thinking about how much I love your smile." He arched and eyebrow. "And that gave you a boner?" I laughed scratching my neck. "I guess so."

We kept talking and laughing in the way home until a Antis phone rang. "Robbie...he never calls me." My stomach sank. Robbie never used his phone. He still acted like a small child, loved drawing, or playing outside. So for Robbie to call Anti, something was wrong. My thoughts were confirmed when Anti dropped his phone. His hand shaking still at his ear, and a horrified expression on his face:

"Anti, what happened?" I went over to him and held his hands, while Hazel gave him a hug from the side. "They...they got Robbie." My eyes widened. "What happened?" I asked, my voice shaking. I could feel Anti shaking in my arms as I held him. "H-him and Host were walking to the Iplier Manor...a-and when they got there. A spear came out of nowhere and impaled Robbie." Anti started to cry. I wiped away the tears but they just kept falling.


"YOU DONT GET IT!" I backed away from anti. He glared at me, his fist clenched. "You don't know what it's like! To go home afraid for your life. To go to sleep thinking you won't wake up the next morning. To wake up with hands around your throat!" I saw tears start to fall down his face. His face that was bruised and cut. "You don't know what it's like...to come home and be hit with a beer bottle. To be punished for making a failing grade. Y-you don't know what it's like to me constantly fucked! By your own mother."

He wiped his eyes with his arm that was also bruised and cut. "You have a family that loves you...I don't. No one loves me." I stood up and walked over to anti, but he put his hand out. "Don't touch me, I don't need your pity."


"Why, why is this happening to us?" I hear Hazel say between sobs. "Hazel..." Anti muttered leaning down and giving her a hug. She sobbed loudly while I stood there dazed. Slowly, warm tears started to fall down my face. Other than Anti, Robbie was the only septiceye Jd been able to really connect with. He was like a child, small and innocent. Playful and caring. "Dark?" I looked down to see my husband and daughter both on their knees crying. That broke me.

I started to full on sob as I fell to my knees and hugged them both. We were a crying mess, sat down in the middle of town, at four am on a Friday night. There was only one word to describe how we felt.


A thousand years [Book 3 of Hazel]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें