17: Comfort

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Hazels POV

I sat on my temporary bed. The door was locked, and the lights were off. I only left my room to go to the bathroom and to get food. Why? Why couldn't he take me? I picked at the bandages wrapped around my torso. He stabbed me and took off with dad. Why? I'd been crying non stop. After I had woken up, father and told me what happened to dad. I only remember my heart shattering before I ran to my room. The egos tried to comfort me, but I wouldn't open the door. I only opened it once for Robbie. He gave me a hug and said it would be okay, but I didn't believe him.

"Hazel?" There was a knock in my door. It was Evan. I'd grown to think of my parents as separate beings than Evan and Connor. Dark and Anti were my parents, not Evan and Connor. "What?" I responded bitterly. "Keith is here." My eyes widened. So that's why he's in human form. I slowly got out fo bed and opened the door. Instantly I was pulled into a hug. I didn't speak and pulled Keith into my room. "Hazel, Evan filled me in. He said your father left for a business trip and you were down about it." I sighed, another one of fathers lies. "Yeah, I miss him." Keith gave me a small smiled before hugging me again.

"I'm sorry hazel. I know how it feels. My dad lives in France, I miss him every day." I smiled slightly. Yeah, but you don't know how I feel. It was either me or my dad, and my dad was captured. "Do you maybe want to play some video games?" He suggested. I felt my heart hurt. Dad loves video games. Him and I would play for hours before being yelled at by father or one of the doctors that it would hurt our eyes. I felt a tear slide own my cheek. "My dad loves video games..." I muttered. Keith put a hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"I'm sorry Hazel." I just nodded before grabbing two controllers. "We're very competitive, think you can handle it?" Keith smirked before taking the controller. "You're on."

Darks POV

"So no one can get a hold of Marvin?" I asked. We had called him after...after Anti was taken, but he didn't answer. "No, I called three times and he never answered." Yandere answered. AJ, RJ, abd CJ huddles next to her feet. "Yan, can you take the Jim's up to their rooms? It's close to their bed time." Yandere nodded before picking the two boys up and carrying them away. "I just don't get it, it's not Alex, that's for sure. Who knows us so well that they know where we live who we love, and just how to break us?" Wilford stated. "I don't know, all we know is it's a close friend of ours." Google muttered. "Host senses a common place in all the egos suggestions." I looked towards the blind man. "What is it?"

"It appears that this person has known us for a long time, possibly ask to when Hazel was a little girl Host states. Host continues by saying, we may want to look back to those days to find a connection. This person knows our relationships which only blossomed a few years ago. This person would have to be a very close friend to the egos." I nodded and sat back thinking.

It can't be Mark or Jack, they don't even know about our relationship, plus they can't teleport. It can't be Derick, he was put in an asylum last year... as I thought I heard laughter from Hazels room. "Seems she cheered up." Robbie muttered. He looked away with a bitter look. "Robbie, Keith is her friend. He's known he since Kindergarten..." I stopped. "Dark?" In kindergarten...this person has a claimed queen, most of the victims have been someone's loved one. If Hazel is the queen, then this person must have a crush on hazel. I froze, my daughter could be up there with a killer. 

"Dark?" I looked up at Google. "It's Marvin." I quickly took the phone and answered it. "Hell-"


"I looked at the others, they'd all heard. Bim looked like he was about to throw up, and Googles face was twisted in anger. "Marvin, what happened?" "Hey broke in! I tried to fight them off but there were too many." I sighed, that means the four of them are gone now. "It's okay Marvin, get back here as soon as possible." I heard him hum before he hung up. "What do we do?" Henrik asked. "I don't know." I looked back at Hazels room then to Robbie. "Robbie, can you bring Hazel and Keith down here?"

He nodded before headed up the stairs. What if it is Keith? What if he's the one who-"Dark." I looked up at Host. "Host assures Dark that it is not Keith. Keith is too kind hearted to do that. But he would warn Hazel not to get too attached or closer to him." As host finished, Robbie had brought Hazel and Keith down. "Is there something you need?" Hazel asked. Her mood had seemed to brighten a bit. Crap, we can't talk to her about this in front of Keith. I hit my lip and looked away. "I just wanted to know if you guys were hungry."

Hazel frowned. "That's all?" I nodded. She knew I was lying, she could always tell. "No, not really." Keith nodded. "Me either I just ate." I waved them off and they went back to Hazels room. "I need to have a talk with Keith and Liam. But I don't know how." I heard a small chuckle. "I know just the thing." I'm just going to say, I was not the biggest fan of the smirk on Marvin's face.

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