4: Crush

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Hazels POV

I knocked on my dads door. "Hey, dad?" I heard a bit of shuffling before he cracked open the door. "Why are you awake?" He whispered. I gestured for him to come into the hallway. He looked back probably making sure father was still asleep before stepping out. I arched my eyebrows when I saw he looked a bit green. "Dad do you feel well?" He looked confused before nodding. "Oh yeah I'm fine. So what's up?" I scratched my neck. "I have...a crush." His eyes widened. "On who?" I looked down and played with my fingers."it's kind of weird, because he looks like you..." he looked at me before realizing what I meant. "You have a crush on a septiceye!" I put a hand over his mouth. "Shh, I told YOU for a reason."

He nodded with a sly smile. "So who is it? Most of us are in relationships except..." I nodded and he covered his mouth. "You like Robbie?" I nodded and he tried to squeal quietly. "Awww and Robbies so sweet. Honestly I don't think D-Evan...would be mad about that." I looked at him confused. "What did you almost say?" He shook his head. "Look it's late, we'll talk more in the morning, Kay?" I nodded and gave him a hug before going back to my room.

I sighed and slumped onto my bed. Im tired of them keeping stuff from me! A family shouldnt keep secrets. I took a breath before grabbing my jacket and a beanie. A short walk wouldn't hurt." I grabbed my phone before walking outside to the park.

Darks POV

I rolled over on the bed and felt no Anti. Still half-asleep I sat up and looked around. I finally spotted him standing on the balocony. Quietly I got out of bed and walked out to join him. The cold night breeze hit my bare torso causing me to shiver. I heard Anti giggle as I rubbed my arms. I noticed that his shirt was slightly glowing green. All inconspicuously I lifted up his shirt. He shivered slightly as my cold hands brushed against his side. Sure enough his chest was giving off a small green glow, but it didn't look like it wold hurt him: I sighed as I looked at the various scars that littered his perfect body. The reason he would never leave our room without a shirt on.

I stood back up straight and let go of his shirt. "You okay?" I asked resting a hand on his shoulder. He nodded still staring at the view. It was amazing. Behind our house was a large lake, and the moon was right above it, casting a glow over the large body of water. I smiled and put an arm around Anti. "What's keeping you up?" I laughed as he nuzzled his head into my shoulder, even after all these year he could still make me blush. "Hazel? She growing up to fast." I frowned. "What do you mean?" I heard him sigh and I played with his green hair. "She...has a crush." 

It took everything I had not to yell. "What..." Anti laughed. "Relax, she's a teenager she's gonna have a crush sooner or later." I took deep breaths trying to stay calm as the red side of my aura grew larger. "On who? Is it Keith, Liam, ooo if it's that annoying boy Ross she had to partner with..." Anti patted my shoulder. "No, it's actually on a septiceye." This time I couldn't hold back the yell. "WHAT!?" Anti turned around and covered my mouth. We stayed like that until we were sure Hazel didn't wake up.

Anti rolled his eyes and took his hand away. "I thought I was the loud one." I ruffled his hair laughing when he swatted my hand away like a cat. "Soooo, who is it?" Anti smiled. "Robbie." Only I didn't smile. "What? What's  wrong?" I shook my head before going back inside. "I need to talk to the Ipliers. I'll be back." Anti grabbed my hand. "What's going on?" I kissed his forehead before grabbing my coat. I didn't feel like putting my suit on, so pajama pants and a coat will do. "I'll be back Anti, Hazel isn't the only one with feelings for Robbie."

Hazels POV

I breathed in the cold air, it would be winter soon. The fountain in the park shone  in the moonlight, though it would never be as good as the view from our house. I wasn't alone, some people were out walking their dogs, taking walks like me, one person was reading a book. I smiled before I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry!" I quickly apologized. "That's fine miss." I looked at the person, the voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. The person was obviously male, he was wearing a black hoodie and black pants. Very odd, he looked like a thief. " 'cuse me ma'am do you happen to know of the Septiceye and Iplier business." 

I arched my eyebrows." Um yeah, they work with solving crime and murder cases." The man nodded and I could see a small smile under his hood. "Do you know the man Jackieboyman?" I shook my head, it sounded familiar but I didn't know. "What about Chase Brody?" I knew my uncle Chase worked with the septiceyes, But his last name was Mason. I shook my head again. "What about Antisepticeye?" My eyes widened, I had heard that name before, in my dreams.

*flashback/whats Hazel believes to be a dream*

"Let's try this again, what's your name?


"I'm Anti."


I blinked. "Uh no sir, never heard of him." He nodded. "Well sorry to bother you." With that, he walked away." I watched him go. Hmm, how strange...

A/N: Okay, so for anyone who is confuzeld. After the events in the last book, Anti and Dark decided it would be best to hide their real forms from Haze.(Which is never a good thing) So anytime they are around her, they change to their human forms Evan and Connor. Same with the egos, they hide their names and real selves. 

Also, if you haven't read the first and second book, you should otherwise you will be very confused.

1: Save me

2: More Than You Know

That's all for now, hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye!

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