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Hey guys I'm so sorry for being Hella inactive last year, I got so distracted by my final year of school, I didn't have the time to sit down and write as much as I would have liked😔

And the beginning of this year I've been taking time for me, to figure things out and get my head straight🍂

I'm currently working on something at the moment (not book related, unfortunately)


You guys should expect some more chapters within the next week or two, and from there regular updates❤️

I hope you guys stuck around and continue to enjoy the book💫

Although I may change the pictures and descriptions of some characters, but I will keep you updated if and when I decide to do so, but other then that, I hope you guys have an awesome time🍾

I'll see you soon with frequent updates❤️

Badboy Calls me TigerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt