Chapter 2

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*Carter's POV*

I rested my head on the wall fighting back curses and tears as she hung up.

She sounded so broken,and never, ever in my life have I ever felt so broken and hurt to know that I was the cause of that hurt.

I know that I left her and we were close friends ,but I had to do what I had to do in order so protect her,I never knew it would hurt her so much,I mean you would think it would hurt me more considering I was the one holding back the fact that I was in love with her and all she saw was a best friend when she looked at me.

I sighed. "Hey man,too much training today?" My friend Luke asked touching my shoulder.

I put my guard back up and faced him with my usual "I don't give a fuck attitude."

I walked past him. "Yea sure." I said walking toward the parking lot to grab my bike.

"We're going out tonight,wanna come? There'll be some busty blondes you can fuck your heart out...if you have one." He chuckled.

I flinched internally. "Nah man,I can't, I need some sleep I've been running low on that shit... Maybe some other time,yeah?" I said while hopping in my bike and putting my helmet on.

"Aw man come on...." I didn't hear the rest of what he said because I was halfway out the parking lot.

When I got home I grabbed a beer from the fridge and collapsed on the couch. 

I new calling her was a bad idea. Watching her from afar should've been enough,it was enough,but seeing her constantly sad all the time when she thought nobody was looking was breaking my heart, and tonight was the final string when her boyfriend stormed out the car not waiting for her...again.

How could someone so beautiful and outgoing let someone treat her like that was beyond my birdbrain,as she would call it.I fought with a smile smile remembering the first time she called me that.


*Flashback to 4 years ago*

I pulled up in front of Phoenix's school in my police van.

Kids scattered away when they saw me step out in my uniform. Probably thinking I'll arrest them.

I chuckled.

At the front desk I asked the elderly woman if she knew where Phoenix was.

"Would you like me to call her through the intercom dear?" She asked. I rolled my eyes,a bad habit I was picking up off Phoenix," I clearly remember asking you if you knew where she was,not for you to call her,I can do that myself." I let out a bit harshly.

The old lady went red,"Now young man I don't appreciate the bad mouthing.... " she stared.

"What have I told you about being nice to people you imbecile!" I heard her yell at me as she walked in the office.

I cringed and turned around with a sheepish smile.

"She wasn't understanding..." She flicked my for head. "The fuck!?" I yelped.

She glared at me. "You clearly don't understand either birdbrain! I told you not to yell at people while they're trying to help you,even if they have a hard time understanding,don't you ever listen to me!?" She asked.

Then she leaned close to the old lady. "No offence Mrs T." She said and the lady laughed, "None taken dear,I'm glad you putting someone in his place,even if he's a little to old for you."

She frowned and I grinned, "Yeah,I'm your elder,you should respect me princess,I can arrest you you know." I touched the cuffs at my waist to find them gone,I heard a snicker.

I looked up to see her grin wickedly with the cuffs swinging around her hand,I'll admit,it was a turn on. A major one.

"How?..." I began. "You shouldn't be such a birdbrain,maybe then you would have noticed me take them." She laughed while sashaying out the office.

"You coming birdbrain?" She asked over her shoulder. I shook my head,this girl and her smile will be the death of me.

*End of flashback*


I smiled at the memory,but then immediately frowned.

She wasn't that girl anymore,she didn't smile like she used to.

I stood up an grabbed my keys. I had to fix this, I had to explain why I left,I had to make things right.

I just hope she cools her anger down enough to listen,because I really don't want to loose a body part.

I gulp. Shit. It was worth it,it will be. I chanted to myself as I got on my bike and sped off in the direction of her house.It has to be.

Sorry for the short chapter,I hope y'all enjoy💯👅 please let me know what you think in the comments below.💭

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