Chapter 1

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    *Pheniox POV*

"Come home early after class,don't be hanging round the back of the schoolyard.
I've been called up by your teacher she said she can't even reach you 'cause you're so far.
You've been talkin' with your fists,we didn't raise you up like this now did we?
There have been changes in this house,things you don't know about in this family.
It don't make sense,but nevertheless, you gotta believe us,it's all for..."

(Song:When you love someone by James TW)

*Knock knock*

My favorite song was cut off by someone banging on my window.I unlocked the car door and my boyfriend Trey got in.

"Hey beautiful." He greeted while kissing me on the cheek. "Hey sweetheart ,how was work?" He groaned. "Shit,Boss man Todd yelled at me the whole day and put me on coffee know I hate the coffee run."

I patted his knee while reversing out the parking spot outside Carson Specters,the law firm Trey currently worked at. "I know love,but you gotta start somewhere right? I mean I didn't start the bar from the top,I had to work, sorry,still am working my ass off to get it to the top,all it takes is patience." I sympathised.

"A whole fucken lot." I mumbled so he couldn't hear me.

"I know beautiful,but right now can we save the pep talks,'cause I just wanna get out this suit and go out with the guys...okay?" He snapped.

I rolled my eyes and put on the fake smile that I've been using all these years that people mistook for the real one...everyone except him,the one with those amazing grey eyes that could just...

"Forget it!" I mentally chastised myself, "He's in the past,and the past has to stay in the past."

I pulled up and Trey got out and charged to the elevators not even waiting for me. Typical.  I rolled my eyes while getting out and grabbing my bag,heading upstairs.

My phone began to ring. "Who the fuck is HP Baxter!" I laughed,bloody Chase changed my ringtone again,bastard.

"Hello?" I answered while unlocking the front door as Mr impatient forgot that I drove him home,again,since his car got totalled last week because he crashed it while driving home ass.

"Hello Phoenix."

The voice said and I froze in the middle of the entrance hall and the voice sent shivers down my spine,an made my heart beat 100 000 000 times faster,even after all these years.

*Flashback to 4 years ago*

"I stood with my back against the wall,flipping the scissors in my hand,wondering what would happen if they pierced my skin.
"Easy Tiger,you shouldn't be playing with those" he said as he walked into the room.
"Why?" I snarled at him,"Your smug ass scared I'll loose my shit and stab you?"
In an instant he was marching across the room to me.

"No..." he said,while with surprising gentleness took the offending item from my hands.
"I don't want you to loose your shit... and stab yourself." he continued without his usual arrogance and cockiness, and my eyes snapped up in surprise to stare into those bright grey orbs...."

*End of flashback*


I sucked in a sharp breath.
"Carter...." I breathed,not believing my ears at the greeting.

"No,this is your fucking mother." He growled sarcastically. My blood boiled,how could he,how could he just come back with his smart ass remarks after what he did.

I felt my insides going cold.

"You.Fucking.Asshole!! What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you do that to me,you told me you'd always be there for me...but when I needed you,poof.." I clicked my fingers to emphasize, "You go and play dead,now when you decide the times right,you call!? Are you out of your mind!?" I yell at him.

"Wait I..." He tries to sooth.

I cut him off,"You know what,just don't, do me a favour and stay 'dead' cause that's what you are to me now."

I end the call and throw my phone to the floor and lean against the wall for support,by now I was in tears,all the memories flooding back.


*3 and a half years ago flashback*

I smile as I walk down the street knowing I was seconds away from seeing my best friend Carter.

He was recently on a undercover job in Vancouver,but he got back this morning and I was planning on surprising him since he surprises me by fetching me from my boarding school occasionally,in his cop car so I could de-stress,the least I could do was surprise him on his day back.

"Hey sexy lady,what you doing walking 'round all by yourself? Need some company?" A sleazy greaseball of a guy said with a sick smile as he began to follow me down the street.

I ignored him and quickened my pace, eager to escape him. He gave a dark laugh as he grabbed me and pulled me into an empty alleyway. I tried pulling away put he was strong. "Let go of me!" I yelled.

He instantly became furious,and all of a sudden another 4 guys came out of nowhere. One duck taped my mouth shut,another held my arms,another held my legs,and the other two began ripping my clothes off. I wiggled and kicked and screamed,but they just laughed...and laughed...and laughed.

One of Murphy's cops found me half dead in the alleyway naked,with cuts and bruises so bad they couldn't see all of them until I was stitched up after taking me to the hospital.

I expected Carter to visit,but he never showed. I never spoke in those 2 weeks while I was in the hospital except to ask where Carter was,but all I was told was vague answers before someone walked out.

Eventually I was home for a week,and after a week of voicemail, Murphy came to visit me and he told me.

I didn't break down when those guys took everything from me,my soul,my innocence, my virtue,my dreams...but I broke down then.

At first I couldn't believe it,he was too young,too strong,but after awhile it began to make sense why Carter didn't visit me,or call me,he couldn't.... because he was dead.

*End of flashback*


I ran to the bathroom and let the tears rain down silently.

I started at myself in the mirror, looking at the faded scars that were barely visible through the makeup and cried.

I haven't cried since that day,but after hearing his voice after so long of believing the lie that he was dead,I couldn't,I was already emotionally fragile,and almost no emotion but numbness and pain and sorrow worked,but I didn't let it consume me anymore...until now.

Hey guys...sorry for the heavy chapter, but this isn't going to be a sunshine and rainbow book the whole way through,there will be some sad,depressing parts,but I believe that makes a book a little more real and realistic. Obviously that's just my opinion, but I hope you stick around to read the rest,I don't plan on disappointing 😁😉

PS:This book may be a little cheesy in some parts and a little cliché, but it will be awesome, once it's done💯

PPS:Please comment💕

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