"Hey," I say, "you have a great taste in music, but I can hear it playing. Turn it down so you don't damage your ears."

"Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry." The boy turns around and I notice that his face is identical to Minho's.

Wait a minute-

"Oh! Hey, Jisung. I didn't realize it was you at first."

"Hey, Minho."

"You wanna listen too?" he says, holding out one of his earbuds.

I hesitate for a second before taking it. Maybe if I interact more with him, I can be a bit more comfortable when I'm around him.

We sit there for a while until, soon, the bus pulls to a stop in front of the school. Why did this drive feel so short? I kinda wish it lasted longer so I could stay and listen to music with Minho. His playlist was pretty good but I guess his presence wasn't all that bad either.

The two of us leave the bus, smiling. Once we get into the school, I see Hyunjin across the hall. Minho says a quick "goodbye" and runs over to him.

I can't help but notice Minho's grin widen when he talks to Hyunjin. I feel myself starting to get jealous and try to shake the feeling away.

There's no point in standing here. I should be headed to my homeroom.

Once inside, I go to sit next to Seungmin and we talk until the teacher enters. By now, I've nearly forgotten about Felix not being on the bus. But then it hits me.

Where was he?

The next two classes go by and I wait impatiently to see my best friend during lunch. I get to the cafeteria and go to our table. I see our usual group there, Felix included.

A few heads have been added to the count, though. Going around the table, I see Felix, Changbin, Jeongin, Seungmin, Chan, Woojin, Hyunjin, and lastly, Minho. My luck is outstanding, isn't it?

I cautiously sit at the only other chair left between Felix and Minho.

"Hey, 'Lix? Why weren't you on the bus this morning?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I had to deal with him." Minho says with a cute little giggle. I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to Felix.

"Changbin drove me to school." he says. Woojin does a double-take and Chan pats his back.

"What'd you say?" Woojin says between coughs.

"Changbin drove me to school?" The boy repeats.

Changbin turns into a Chang-Tomato. "We're dating. We've been dating," he corrects himself. "I thought it would be a nice thing to do so I picked him up before coming here."

I look over at Minho to see him trying to keep his eyes averted from the couple. If this guy is homophobic, I'm giving up on being friends with him.

Before my attention turns back to Seungmin, who's making that stupid face at Jeongin again, I catch Hyunjin whisper something inaudible to Minho. Minho shows off his cute little giggle and whispers something back.

It's as if they're in their own world. I wish Minho would buy a spaceship and visit mine.

"He doesn't have enough money for that." Chan laughs.

I jump a bit, "What?"

"We were talking about Felix moving in with Changbin. Keep up, Jisung." Woojin says playfully.

"Oh, sorry." I feel my ears turn pink.

"Aww, cute." Minho comments, only making it worse.

Lunch period ends and everyone scrapes their trays and leaves. I exit with the only shards of dignity that remain. Now, off to my next class, social studies.

Right as I was about to head in that direction, I hear Minho's voice call out after me, "Jisung, wait up!"

I stop and turn around to see him and Jeongin speed-walking in my direction. "What is it?"

"Chan left without us, but since we're in the same class, we should walk together." the younger says with a toothy smile.

How can I resist that?

The three of us go to class and take our seats. The teacher, Mr. Choi, introduces to us a new project where we have to research a country of our choice.

Not to brag, but I'm not too bad in this class, so this should be fairly easy.

"Oh, and you also get partners. Everyone has been pre-selected. Once you know your partner, you can start working."

Mr. Choi calls out students' names and I wait patently for mine.

For some reason when he calls out Minho's name, I pay extra attention to who his partner is...

"Lee Minho and Han Jisung."

...only to find out that it's me.

Maybe this project won't be as easy as I thought.

Hope for the Worst || MinsungDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora