Summer Camp Satisfied

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"Have a good time, Samantha!" My dad said with a smile on his face, his hand waving as the car pulled away.
Summer camp was something I had attended every year since I was in the fourth grade, simply because my single father thought that it would be a good idea to get me out of the house during the summers- and it would give him a break from his soon developing, hormonal, teenage daughter.
I had just turned seventeen and while it was sort of embarrassing that I was still going to summer camp as a seventeen year old girl, it was secretly one of my favorite places to be.
Interestingly enough, a lot of the kids that I met the first year I came to Mountain Peak still went every year and that meant as we all aged, we all started getting a bit more attractive. I knew almost every person here... or at least I thought.
Us campers and the camp counselors were all circled around in the dinning hall getting ready to reintroduce ourselves again, when a new boy approached through the two wooden doors.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." The boy shyly spoke as he set down his bag.
He had bright blue eyes, longer brown hair that landed just on his broad shoulders, and he had the most adorable smile.
"No problem camper. We were just about to start. In our circle-up today, let's hear what your first name is, your favorite outdoor activity, and something cool that everyone should know about you." Our head camp counselor, Mike said, taking a drink of water.
"Oh, uh... okay. Well, my name is Jared. My favorite outdoor activity is rock climbing and I like to play instruments." He said running a shaky hand through his hair.
"Great! Nice to meet you Jared." Mike said before we continued around the circle.
Finally, it was my turn and I waved.
"Hi, my name is Samantha but everyone can call me Sam. My favorite outdoor activity is hiking, and I love coffee way too much."
"Lame," my camp friend Frankie said and I elbowed him in the side.
"Shut up, Frankie." I said laughing.
We finished the circle-up and then we were all directed to our cabins. There were four cabins, each had a boy side and girl side, with four rooms in each cabin. In each room there were two beds. I was rooming with my other good friend, Jane. Next to us, was Bridgette and Lauren, and then across the hall from Jane and I was Frankie and Jared, and then Miles and Nick.
As we all settled in I took a moment to lay in my bed and close my eyes. Today was going to be a long one and I had only one cup of coffee before I left today.
"So, what do you think about that Jared guy?" Jane asked sitting on my bed and I shrugged.
"He seems nice. Kinda cute, kinda awkward."
"He's perfect for you." Jane poked at me and I hit her with my pillow.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because... you're also cute and awkward. Don't get me wrong, you're way better then you were when I first met you but I could see you pulling him out of his turtle shell."
"Jane, don't start making up a summer love story for me."
"I'm just saying hun. Besides, you've not had a boyfriend yet right?"
"Yes... but that's because I don't want one."
"Sure you don't. Babe, you should just introduce yourself to him and then see where it goes, that's all I'm going to say about it."
I sigh.
"Alright campers! We're gonna start out with some communication. Shane, Maddie, Nicole and I want you to have a five minute conversation with someone you might not know all that well. If you've ever wanted to talk to someone here before and never had the chance, here's your chance. Rules are you can't talk to anyone you have in your contacts. We'll be doing this for half an hour. We'll let you know when the five minutes are up. Okay, go!" Mike said and everyone dispersed. First I talked to this guy named Danny and then Kenny, then I talked with Carrie and Sandy. I then looked around for Jared. When I found him, he was standing near a tree throwing rocks into the lake.
"Hey, why'd you disappear?" I said startling him a bit.
"Oh uh, no one really came up to me. Well, not until now."
"Really? No one?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Nope. That's not weird though. I'm normally not approached by anyone anyways."
"Well, how about we talk for ten minutes."
"Uh... sure."
He threw another rock and it skipped multiple times over the water.
"Wow, you're really good at that."
"It just takes practice." He said looking at me.
"Teach me?" I asked and he smiled.
"You can't really teach someone how to skip rocks. It's hard to explain other than just saying, throw the rock."
"Well, try." I said folding my arms over my chest.
"Okay, okay... challenge accepted. Here, take this rock." He said handing me a rock before he looking for his next one.
"Alright, so I always throw with my dominant hand. And then depending on how impressing you want to be there's a couple ways you can throw the rock."
I laughed," Okay, so teach me the most simple way until I can get that under control."
He nodded.
"Well, when I first started, I would turn my body in a ninety degree angle from where most of the water in front of you was- so that when you let go of the rock, it bounces straight in front of you. So, because there's more water towards the right, I'm going to turn right ninety degrees." He said modeling what he would do.
"Then, you want to take your rock between you're thumb, pointer and middle finger depending on how big a rock you got, and you want to bring your arm back slightly and then launch the rock forward by swinging your arm towards the water and letting go as soon as you're arm bends in a ninety degree angle." He said before doing exactly what he said and sure enough, the rock flew lightly over the water.
"Okay, seems simple enough."
"Go for it." He said putting his hands in his pockets.
I followed all his movements and to my surprise, my rock did jump across the water.... once.
I couldn't help but laugh and put my head in my hands shaking it as I tried to hide from my embarrassment.
"Hey, it's better than it not skimming at all! Good job, by the end of the summer we'll have you skipping rocks like a pro." He said and I smiled.
"Thanks. Hey, do you wanna meet some of my friends. I'm sure they'd like to get to know you too."
"Uh sure..." He said a little more shy now.
"They won't bite, I promise."
Later that night we all sat at the camp fire listening to scary stories. Jared sat next to me and at some point I had ended up sort of leaning against him.
Jane and I talked about him earlier and she said that she thought he was cute. And he was, I couldn't help but feel attracted to him. His smirk, his sun kissed skin, and those water blue eyes. Not to mention his long hair which he had now pulled back into a messy bun.
I turned to his as Mike started telling the next story.
"Ever heard this one before?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Mike tells it every year and every year I can't fall asleep after he gets done telling it."
"Awe, it's okay, I'll protect you." He said with a smirk and I elbowed him.
After the campfire, everyone was supposed to go to their rooms and so we all walked together. Before we went in, Jared and I stopped outside and went around the side of the cabin.
"So, how was you're first day at camp?" I asked crossing my arms and he nodded.
"Better because of you and your friends. You're all so nice."
"Well, we've got a month and a half left. We're happy you're having such a great time. Besides, you're a really nice guy. I'm happy I met you." I said and he ran a hand through his hair.
"I feel the same about you. Thanks for making me feel included."
"No problem. Goodnight, Jared."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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