Step Daddy Trouble

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When my parents divorced two years ago I was 16. Every other week I got to stay with my dad but I was mostly always at my mom. Now, I was eighteen, about to graduate high school, recently single, and found myself starring at my moms new fiancé, Shannon.
His brother and my soon to be uncle Jared, was also attractive but nothing like Shannon.
When I first met Shannon, I couldn't stand him. It had been six months since the divorce and while I had known my parents were getting a divorce for over a year and that they had been seeing other people, I just wasn't ready to see my mom in such a serious relationship yet. Over time, I got used to Shannon's presence and then... I started having dreams about him and I — together.
It all started when we all went on a vacation. He and Jared had decided that for a Christmas gift, they would gift my mom and I a trip to Greece. I know, how spoiled are we? But anyways, when we got to our fantastic hotel room, we got settled in and then headed to the pool. When he took his shirt off, I found myself eyeing his muscular, tattooed body up and down. I shook my head and cleared my throat and moved on with the rest of the afternoon. Before I realized what was happening, feelings began to blossom and it took everything within myself to keep those feelings buried. However, I still found my eyes lurking over him as he would workout in our back yard, sweat dripping down every curve of his toned muscles. Or when he and my mom would kiss I would wish it was me. The only way I was able to keep how I felt about him a secret was to lay in bed at the end of the night, lights off, and release my feelings in a completely different way.
Closing my eyes I would imagine him coming into my bedroom in the late hours of the night or entering the bathroom while I showered. Or I could imagine him coming up behind me while I made breakfast and reaching in front of me, his hand landing on my most sensitive body part and covering my mouth with the other so I couldn't vocalize how he was making me feel.
I would imagine getting on my hands and knees and let him have his way with me or taking his large cock into my mouth just to let him shove it down my throat and push me to my limit.
Regardless of what I imagined to get me to release, the thought of him doing anything of the sort was exactly what I needed to get there.
I had gotten away with such a method for months, before one night, my sinful actions were discovered by the man himself. He had come to check on me, to come make sure I was doing okay and as he opened my door, not knocking before doing so, he found me with my hand down my shorts, and his name leaving my mouth.
He said my name and my eyes shot open and a gasp left my lips as I felt unbearable embarrassment.
"What are you doing?"
Tears welled up in my eyes and I wanted to disappear.
"None of your business." I said he nodded.
"Okay, well can I ask why you said my name?"
He started to walk towards me and I watched him. His stride was powerful and also soft. His facial features weren't worried but they were empathetic.
He sat at the end of my bed and took a deep breath. His hands were clasped together and he twiddled his thumbs slowly before looking me in the eyes.
"Do you like me, (y/n)?"
"You're good to my mom."
"That's not what I asked." He said and I sighed, my eyes leaving his.
"You're young and you're starting to develop perfectly normal feelings. I understand that. My concern however, is that you have these feelings for me."
"I don't."
"Then why did you say my name?"
"Why didn't you knock before entering my room?"
He sighs again.
"I'm sorry. That was wrong of me. Your mom wanted me to come check on you because we hadn't seen you in a while."
"I was fine. She couldn't have texted me?"
"She did." He said a small smile playing on his lips.
I grabbed my phone that sat on my side table and sure enough there was a text from my mom.
"Shit." I say under my breath.
"(Y/n), I wanna say that I think you are a beautiful young women... but I don't have any romantic feelings for you and I shouldn't because I'm with your mom."
"I know."
"It would be disrespectful to your mom if I acted on any other of my feelings that I may have for you." He said and my eyes shot up to his.
My heart started to beat quickly and a warmth from in my core began to burn.
"You're a beautiful young women, (y/n)... and I won't lie and say I haven't caught myself looking at your physical features. I know that you got it from your mom. Which is perhaps why I look at you the way I do sometimes but your mom is the person that I am in love with."
"You... you look at me that way?" I asked and he nodded.
I swallowed and bit the inside of my lip and crossed my legs sitting up.
He smiled bigger and let out a small laugh.
My cheeks turned red and I looked at him.
"Well, I uh... I don't know what to say."
He stood up from my bed and stuck his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
My eyes followed the movement and I swear I moaned out loud.
"You don't have to say anything. In fact you shouldn't and I shouldn't have mentioned anything. But uh, if you ever need to relieve yourself again... you know where to find me."
He walked out of my room and shut the door and I sighed falling back into my bed.
I couldn't believe that just happened.
A couple weeks went by and I felt lighter. I wasn't sure if it was just because I had voiced my feelings to Shannon or what it - but I just did.
My mom was going on a business trip for two weeks and Shannon and I would be left in the house by ourselves for a good chunk of that time.
Before the bedroom incident, the only other person who knew about my feelings for Shannon was my best friend, Nicole.
Last week we had gone to the mall and when we went into the Victoria's Secret store she jokingly said, "Are you getting anything to impress your step daddy?"
I elbowed her arm and shook my head.
"Listen, I wish but no."
"Okay we'll, I'm just saying this little ensemble would look killer on you." She said handing me a black satin romper that had some lace on it as well.
"Just go try it on."
"You know supporting me in how I feel about him isn't okay right?"
"I know. But sometimes it needs to happen in order for you to move on."
"You think if I sleep with him once that I'll be able to move on from how I feel?"
She nods.
I shrug and walk towards the fitting rooms.
When I tried on the romper and saw how it fit me, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have Shannon's hands strip me down out of it.
I run my hands down my body and wondered if he would like me in this romper as well as I did.
There was really only one way to find out.
Three days after my mom left for her business trip, Shannon and I were sitting at the dinning room table eating Chinese takeout.
"So, how was your day?" Shannon asked taking a drink of his beer.
I nodded.
"Did you do anything fun?"
"Not particularly. Nicole and I talked about going to a party tonight but I didn't really want to go so we just decided to hang out again sometime later on this week."
He nods.
"Okay. Good to know."
"Yeah. Hey, can I get your opinion on something?" I ask my heart beating quickly just like the night he walked in on me.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Well, Nicole's birthday is next week and I got an outfit that I want to wear but I'm not sure if I wanna to wear it. Would you give me your opinion on it?"
"Oh, yeah. Sure."
"Okay, let me go put it on."
I excused myself from the table and went to my room where the black satin and lace romper lay on my bed.
I put it on, went to the restroom to freshen up.
Once I'm ready, I look at myself in the mirror and for a moment I wonder if what I'm doing is wrong. I shake my head. I need to do this to move on.
I leave the restroom and walk down the stairway and back towards Shannon.
When I walk into the kitchen where I find him washing the plates we just ate from, the low dim light is highlighting the toned muscles of his arms that flex every time he scrubs a dish with the sponge.
I clear my throat loudly and when he turned around, he looks me up and down and then his jaw dropped like he was going to say something but he doesn't.
"So what do you think?" I asked spinning in a circle and then resting my hand on my waist.
"Uh, well.... um,"
"You look good." His eyes wander away from me and he turns back towards the sink, to continue to wash the dishes.
I don't know why, but what I did next was not part of the plan.
I walk up behind him and reach up and place my hands on his shoulders and massage them. He's tense at first but as I work my thumbs into his back, he relaxes and soon, he turns off the water and the whole house is quiet.
My hands waterfall down his arms and I sighed softly.
"(Y/n), we shouldn't do this." He finally says.
I step back and then tears well up and that unbearable embarrassment fills my chest again.
"You're an asshole." I say before running towards the stairs.
He yells my name as he runs after me but before he can get to me I've closed my door and locked it.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)," he says as his hand hits the door.
"Open the door. Please. We can talk about this."
"There is nothing to talk about, Shannon. You said something that was untrue, straight up lied to me, and I've just made a fool out of myself because I believed you."
"I'm sorry I said what I did last time we were here. That night I had just enough to drink that I said something that I wasn't proud of. But I wasn't lying. I am physically attracted to you but we can act on it. If we do, there's no telling what we'll do. I can't risk hurting your mom that way."
I don't say anything else and he says nothing for a minute.
"You deserve a guy your age who doesn't have any restrictions like I do."
I shake my head. I contemplated opening the door, slapping him on the face and then closing the door again but instead, I just lay down in bed and turn off the light.
I fall asleep easily for some reason and I don't wake up again until early the next morning.
I stay in bed for a couple minutes before getting up and walking down stairs to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.
I grab a bowl and some cereal before starting to make my way to my bedroom again. When I round the corner, Shannon appears out of my moms bedroom.
I stop in my tracks and when I see his eyes look me up and down again it then that I realized I was still in the satin romper.
"Morning." Is all I say before I start my way towards my bedroom again.
"(Y/n), stop." Shannon says and I refuse to turn around but I stand on the stairwell like a statue.
A moment later he appears next to me but I look into my bowl of cereal and take a bite.
"Look at me please."
"No." I say, mouth full of mini honeycomb cereal.
"Please?" He says and I reluctantly do as he says.
"Can we talk about last night."
"I said no. You embarrassed me, you made me look like an idiot and if you didn't want me to act the way I did you should have talked to me about what you said weeks ago."
"You're right."
"I know I am. So I you'll excuse me," I say as I start to walk up the rest of the steps but he lightly grabs me and I turn around to find his face right in front of mine.
"I'm sorry... for everything I've made you feel."
"You better be."
"I know this is wrong, I know what I said to you was wrong but I feel like the reason you want to do this so badly is because you want to have a connection with someone. I understand that. I told you that when we talked last time."
"I wanted a connection with you but I know it's wrong for me to ask you if that. I just wish that you had a romantic relationship with me instead of my mom."
He rests his hand on my waist and placed a kiss on my cheek.
"You'll find a guy who'll make you forget about me. I'm just an old fart."
I can't help but laugh.
"Why don't you go to your friends party. Maybe don't wear that romper that night but when you find a guy who will treat you with respect and you want to connect with them in that way, go ahead and wear it. I'm sure it'll be hard for them to say no to you. If I didn't have respect for you in a way a father has for his daughter, I would have taken it further."
"Can we just move on from this?" I ask and he nods.
"Sure. Go enjoy your breakfast."

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