This will be the day Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Qrow: Not me; I'm always going to have misfortune hanging over me. I don't want it to hurt anyone else.

Winter: We fought together before.

Qrow: And you were injured.

Winter: You didn't cause that. Sometimes bad things happen. You were there and you saved me. You don't curse me with bad luck. It was good luck, that I had you.

Qrow: Maybe but .....

Winter: But nothing. I am going to prove it to you.

Qrow: I'd like that. (both giggling)

Winter: Yeah, me too. They kiss. I missed you!

Qrow: I was miserable!

Winter: Raven said that.

Qrow: She came to me asking about the Fall maiden. I knew it was her.

Winter: Do you think she will help us? I was hoping she would come with me when she sent me back. I had wanted all of us to talk.

Qrow: She can sense me and I can sense her too. That's how I knew she was lying about the maiden powers. She will be here but ....I'm not sure we can count on her being part of our team. She has already done her own thing. She doesn't trust Ozpin.

Winter: Do you still trust him completely? There is so much that we don't know.

Qrow: This much I'm sure of, Salem is the one we have to destroy.

Winter: Agreed. You know, when I said we hadn't talked about what we do next, I was referring to us...

Qrow: Yeah, and I've decided.

Winter: Yeah, what's that?

Qrow: That I'm not letting you out of my sight again.

Winter: Good, because I'm not letting you get rid of me that easy this time either.

After Raven left Winter, she took Marta to join the other bandits. Then she decided to pay a visit to an old friend. She flew off immediately and didn't stop until she reached her destination. Raven landed on a branch just outside the house and watched for him to come outside. Taiyang would come out about the same time every morning. In fact, Raven had watched him many times from the same branch but this morning, she decided to do something she hadn't done since she left so many years ago. Taiyang came out just as Raven knew he would and she swooped down and transformed before him.

Tai: Well, to what do I owe this ...pleasure?

Raven: Are you going to Atlas? Or are you going to let the girls fight for you while you hide out here?

Tai: Nice to see you too. I've been busy. What about you? Are you going to Atlas?

Raven: I asked you first.

Tai: I've thought about it.

Raven: So have I. Don't look so shocked. Yang is my daughter too. I have just as much stake in whatever happens as you all do.

Tai: That never seemed to matter to you before. Why do you show up here all the time dropping feathers and not saying a word, huh? What good does that do anyone? If you want to know what's going on, you could have shown your face before now and you could talk. You don't have to fly around spying on us.

Raven: I'm here now. It has been suggested that we all come to Atlas and fight together. With all that has happened, it might be the right time. I just wanted to know, if you're in or you're out.

Tai: Is that the only reason you're here?

Raven: What other reason could there be? Is there something else you want from me?

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