Chapter 1

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( Before starting this I want to warn you that description tells some things that will happen to the near future of the story , but does not explain the whole thing , because I would tell you the story into five minutes , so that's the warning I wanted to make , also in 1 day I may release 2 or more chapters , just because I have undone works to do , so I'll have to write these chapters earlier thank you for your supporting if you read this and I'll wish you have fun reading this fanfiction )

" It's late at night , another akuma has been beated , by the great duo of Paris Ladybug and Chat Noir ! Chat Noir and Ladybug are in a roof of a building relaxing after that hard fight they had "  

Chat Noir : *yawns* Oh wow that was a really tiring fight we had there right ? 

Ladybug : Yeah that was a tough one , I'm sure that when I go home *yawns* I will be asleep in one second and maybe less ... 

Chat Noir : Well I was wondering ... When you have time ... Do you want to go out and have fun for once ? 

Ladybug : Chat ... We are suprheroes , superheroes always have work and less time of having fun , our job is to protect Paris not having fun . Also that could reveal our identity , don't you think it's too risky ? 

Chat Noir : I know , but I want to get to know you better ... 

Ladybug : But that's exactly what we can't do ! Chat Noir we must keep our identities secret including of the things we like and hate ... It's difficult for me too , but hey ... We have something that not all the people have ... 

Chat Noir : Like what ? 

Ladybug : Blind trust ... I trust you without knowing who you are and you trust me without knowing who I am ... The thing we have is special ... 

Chat Noir : Yeah of course M'Lady ... 

Ladybug : Well *yawns* I have to go , I'm way too excausted to continue talking ... Bye kitty !

Chat Noir : Have a good sleep M'Lady ! 

Ladybug : *smiles* Bug out ! *leaves with her yo-yo*

Chat Noir : *watching her leaving* *sigh* If you only knew ... 

That's the end of the first chapter miraculers ! So the first part will be all by itself today 'cause I want to give you the message of what I will be also doing ! Stay miraculous ! Bug out !

No more secrets ...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant