"Father Hope, what is the meaning of this? What did you do?"

"Unclean! Youre all unclean! The product of that useless king and that cursed dagger! That dagger is so magical son, its nearly impossible to seperate it from their owners, for the blade binds with your soul. All you have to do is kill the owner and the dagger is yours. Turns out King Kim was not the owner, but you are!"

Taehyung shook his head as he noticed the dagger began to shake as it was pointed at him. Without a warning the dagger came flying towards him and he quickly covered his face and before he knew it, the dagger was in his hand. His grip was firm, but the priests grip on his other dagger was tighter as he approached further.

"You know what I have always hated? I've always hated watching you father fall into idiotic thoughts, especially when he married your mother. She was impure, blinded by lust and greed."

"No she wasn't! I wont allow you to talk like that about my mother! Release your dagger at once or I shall kill a man in Gods home!" Taehyung stood firmly as his blood began to boil. What had happened to the priest that had helped him throughout his life?

"I pitty you, I really do. Do you really think this kingdom will accept two kings instead of a queen?"

"Keep him out of this Hope, Jungkook has nothing to do with this," Taehyung quickly said, looking back to see the brunette trying to stand up.

"Oh but he does! Hes a survivor, a lust infested creature! Taehyung you dont understand!"

"Then tell me what I need to understand!" Taehyung shouted, making Jungkooks headache throb further.

"I cannot child. I must kill you to clense the village. Imagine the paradise we would live in! Huh?! Isn't that what you want?!"

Father Hope laughed as he shook his head, his heart nearing an imposible speed. His eyes were wild, looking at the dagger with bloodshot eyes and a clenched jaw. Taehyung stood still watching everything unfold with fear. Never had he seen the priest with the devils lust.

"You dont want to do that. You cant do anything to help them Hope, youre a mere priest."

"Careful before I kill you on the spot! Your poor old man didnt get to feel my blessed dagger against his impure skin, but you can!"

Taehyung quickly stood taller, his face stone cold as he walked towards the priest. "Begging for it I see?"

One more step and he could almost feel the priests blood on his hands.

One more step until the priest clensed the corrupted young king.

One step.


"Go Taehyung!"

Taehyung quickly jumped back as he felt the General pull him back. Suddenly the only blood that managed to hit the church floors was neither the kings or the priest. Jungkook shouted in pain as he felt the priests dagger go into his shoulder.

"Taehyung now!"

With muted ears Taehyung took a step and quickly threw his- or the- dagger and soon the priest was on the floor, his forehead hitting the church floors. A pool of blood soon surrounded him, making Jungkook move away, but his arm was no use of help.

"Jungkook! You idiot!" Taehyung shouted, kneeling down to see the young General's wound. It was bleeding out and the General was too impatient to let the doctors take it out themselves. "You'll bleed out more darling, dont touch it, I'll call for a doctor," Taehyung said, grabbing Jungkooks hand away from the dagger and placing a soft kiss on the brunettes forehead.

For the King (Vkook/Taekook)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora